The Muscular System
THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM-- ppt AB I. OVERVIEW II. MUSCLE ANATOMY III. MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY Types Muscles Gross Overview Tissue Review Microscopic Contraction Details Functions Nervous System Whole Muscle Cell Characteristics Energy for Contract. Muscle Tone Types of Contraction Effect of Exercise IV. BODY MOVEMENTS V. SPECIFIC MUSCLES VI. INJECTION Rules Head & Neck SITES Muscle Movements Trunk & Arm Lower Limb ppt C
IV. Types of Body Movements A IV. Types of Body Movements A. **Six Golden Rules of Skeletal Muscle Activity = Table 6.2
A. Five Golden Rules of Skeletal Muscle Activity … 6. Antagonist & Synergistic Muscles EXAMPLE: Biceps Brachii & Brachialis Example: Triceps Brachii Elbow Joint Figure 6.12
B. Muscle Movements, Types, & Names - Depend on the Mobility of the Specific Joint Types of Body Movements Often in pairs for opposite movement a. *Flexion b. Extension Opposite of flexion Hyperextension
c. *Rotation d. *Circumduction
Types of Body Movements … e. *Abduction: f. Adduction:
g. Special Movements i) Dorsiflexion = Flexion ii) Plantar flexion = Extension & Hyperextension
V. Gross Anatomy of Skeletal Muscles– Specific Muscles Figure 6.21
A. Head and Neck Muscles 1. Chewing muscles a. *Masseter Description/location Action Insertion/Origin Bones b. *Temporalis— Description/Location 2. Neck Sternocleidomastoid Insertion/Origin
*Description/Location Action: moves Rib Cage to change B. Trunk & Arm Muscles Breathing Muscles Intercostal muscles *Description/Location Action: moves Rib Cage to change width of Thoracic Cavity b. Diaphragm Description/Location: bottom boundary of Thoracic C Action: Changes vertical length of Thoracic Cavity Intercostals NOT IN BOOK Intercostal muscles Diaphragm
2. Muscles that move the Vertebral Column a. Abdominal girdle– 4 layers Description: Action: b. Erector Spinae Description/Location
3. Muscles that move the Brachium *Latissimus Dorsi Description & Location Action b. *Deltoid Description/Location Insertion/Origin: c. Pectoralis major
4. Muscles that move the Antebrachium a. Biceps brachii Description/Location Action Origin: ___ Insertion: ___ b. *Triceps brachii Antagonist to ___
C. Muscles that move the Lower Limb 1. Muscles that move the Thigh a. *Gluteus maximus: Description/Location Action b. Iliopsoas Description/ Location c. Gluteal medius d. Adductor muscles: Gluteus medius Iliopsoas Adductors
2. Muscles causing movement at the knee joint a. Hamstring group: 3 Description/Location Action Origin: posterior femur Insertion: posterior tibia
b) Muscles causing movement at the knee joint … b. Quadriceps group-- 4 Description/Location Action Origin: anterior femur Insertion: anterior tibia
3. Muscles causing movement at ankle a. Tibialis Anterior Description/Location Action b. *Gastrocnemius
VI. Intramuscular Injection Sites Shoulder Upper/Lateral Buttock Lateral Thigh Figure 6.18, 6.19b, d
THE MUSCULAR SYSTEM-- ppt AB I. OVERVIEW II. MUSCLE ANATOMY III. MUSCLE PHYSIOLOGY Types Muscles Gross Overview Tissue Review Microscopic Contraction Details Functions Nervous System Whole Muscle Cell Characteristics Energy for Contract. Muscle Tone Types of Contraction Effect of Exercise IV. BODY MOVEMENTS V. SPECIFIC MUSCLES VI. INJECTION Rules Head & Neck SITES Muscle Movements Trunk & Arm Lower Limb ppt C
Figure 10.11a Muscles of respiration. External intercostal Internal intercostal © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 10.10d Muscles of the neck and vertebral column that move the head and trunk. Ligamentum nuchae Mastoid process of temporal bone Semispinalis capitis Longissimus capitis Semispinalis cervicis Iliocostalis cervicis Longissimus cervicis Semispinalis thoracis Iliocostalis thoracis Longissimus thoracis Spinalis thoracis Iliocostalis Erector spinae Longissimus Spinalis Multifidus Iliocostalis lumborum Quadratus lumborum External oblique © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.