Student Services Orientation Critical Sophomore Information Student Services Orientation Sept. 22 and 23, 2016
Agenda Names you should know Promotion & graduation requirements Updates on the Pre-ACT and PSAT Life after high school CFNC And More! Q & A
First, let’s see what you know! <PRETEST> 1. Assuming you entered high school in 2015-16, how many credits will you need to graduate? A) 21 B) 26 C) 24 D) 22
<PRETEST> 2. What is the minimum weighted GPA required to apply to four-year colleges in the UNC system? A) 3.5 B) 2.5 C) 2.0 D) 4.0
<PRETEST> 3. Which of the following are needed to graduate? 1 credit each in Arts, Career and Technical Education (CTE) and World Language 2 credits in one of these categories: Arts, CTE, World Language 1 credit in World Language and 1 credit in any elective 2 credits each in Arts, CTE and World Language
<PRETEST> 4. When I graduate, my plan is: To go to either a 2-year or 4-year college or university To enter the military To enter the job market Not certain – I haven’t decided my plan yet
Counselors: De-Ja A-Da Mor-Sc Sch-Z Chuck Patty Miller Dean of Students Toria Greene A-Da Chuck Small De-Ja Valorie Hallenbeck Je-Moq Allison Saviello Mor-Sc Alicia Kirkpatrick Sch-Z
(scoombs) & (jtolomeo) Ina Nyko School Psychologist (inyko) Brandy Lyons Student Assistance Program Counselor (blyons) Nancy McMillan School Nurse (nmcmillan) Brandon Clowers School Social Worker (bclowers) Kelley Schroeder Literacy Coach (kschroeder) Debbie Fluke Guidance Tech (dfluke) Nancy Stewart Registrar (nstewart) Sarah Coombs & Joan Tolomeo Intervention Coordinators (scoombs) & (jtolomeo) Ginny Honkomp Data Manager (vhonkomp) Sharon Manning Career Development Coordinator (smanning1)
Use the correct email address for your counselor! Patty Miller pmiller5 Dean of Students Toria Greene tgreene A-Da Chuck Small csmall De-Ja Valorie Hallenbeck vhallenbeck Je-Moq Allison Saviello asaviello Mor-Sc Alicia Kirkpatrick akirkpatrick2 Sch-Z
The BEST way to see my counselor: You may come to Student Services and fill out a form to request an appointment with your counselor. OR You may email your counselor to make an appointment. Your counselor will email you your appointment time. If you have a test during the appointment time, please request a new time. Students need to show their teacher their email to receive a pass.
Stay Informed: Home Base Enloe High School Enloe High School Facebook & Twitter @EnloeMagnetHS Enloe Student Services FB @EnloeStdntSrvcs Remind (general): Text ‘@7dbd2’ to 81010 or email: (sophomores) text @wgehs2019 to 81010
Graduation Requirements for Students Who Entered Grade 9 in 2015-16 4 English: English I, II, III, IV 4 Math: Math I, Math II, Math III, Math beyond Math III 3 Science: Earth/Environmental Science, Biology, Physical Science 4 Social Studies: World History, Civics & Economics, American History 1 & 2 or AP U.S. History and a Social Studies elective 1 Healthful Living: Health and Physical Education 8 Electives: REQUIRED - any 2 from arts, second language or career and technical education (a minimum of 2 years of the same second language are required for admission to the UNC University System). RECOMMENDED - any 4 that form an educational concentration - may be from any subject area including arts, career and technical education, or any subject area or combination. 24 Total Credits
Grade 11 Grade 12 For students who started 9th grade in 2015-16 10 Credits 2 credits must be English I and II 1 credit in each area, Math, Science, and Social Studies Grade 12 16 credits* 3 credits must be English I, II, and III** Student must be enrolled in a program that will complete graduation requirements. For students who started 9th grade in 2015-16
Driver’s Eligibility Students must pass 75% of their courses to obtain and maintain a driver’s license. (6 out of 8 courses) OR
To maintain athletic eligibility, a student is required to: Pass 6 of 8 classes during the semester previous to the sport they wish to play, Have a minimum 1.5 cumulative GPA (or 2.0 GPA in the previous semester), and Attend school at least 85% of the school days in the previous semester.
Pre-ACT and PSAT The Pre-ACT (formerly known as the PLAN) will be given to all 10th-graders at Enloe in October. The date will be announced soon. It’s a test that helps you figure out how you’re likely to do on the ACT as a junior. The PSAT is a test that helps you figure out how you’re likely to do on the SAT. The registration deadline has passed for 10th-graders to take the PSAT at Enloe, but you can take the test as a junior as well.
Opportunities to enrich your summer Plan for This Year: HOBY, Governor’s School, Summer Ventures in Science/Math, UNC Heels for Success, NCSSM, Catalyst Conference, etc. We hope you make summers count! Get a job! Travel! Volunteer! Attend educational programs! See Summer Opportunities listed on our school website! Also, check out CFNC’s College Preparedness Opportunities listings: Visit CFNC and look under the “Plan for College” tab
Planning for College NC’s 16 State-Supported Colleges/Universities Completion of minimum admissions requirements to apply: 2.5 GPA, SAT combined CR+M=850, and ACT Composite 17 NC’s 36 Independent Colleges/Universities: NC’s 58 Community Colleges:
Create Your CFNC Account Now! Visit College Foundation North Carolina (CFNC) & learn how to PLAN, APPLY, and PAY for college! PLAN for: high school, college, career APPLY for: college & financial aid PAY for: college, learn about grants & scholarships, financial literacy and more!
Thinking about the military? 2016-17 Schedule of Recruiters: See Ms. Manning in Career Services (Room 1934) if you have any additional questions. Visit branch websites: Air Force, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard,
Need a Part-Time job now or a Full-Time job next year? Stay up to date by going to our school website: Also, check out: Job Link Career Center and click on Young Adults: Teens for Hire: Snag a Job: Hire Teen:
Need help identifying your strengths? Take the ASVAB! Oct. 21 or Jan. 20 Announcement on how to sign up coming soon! The ASVAB (Armed Services Vocation Aptitude Battery) measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success. Taking the ASVAB DOES NOT commit you to the military, but it does provide you with specific information regarding your strengths and what careers use those strengths. Questions? Email our Career Development Coordinator, Ms. Manning, at
Understanding your transcript Grades/GPA Calculation – Only final grades are used in GPA calculation. Quality Points: Used to weight Honors/AP courses. Extra .5 point for Honors, extra 1 point for AP Overall Cumulative GPA = # of earned quality points divided by the # of potential credits. All grades will be reported numerically on the report card and transcript. Transcript Requests: See Mrs. Stewart, registrar
Now, let’s see what you learned! <POSTTEST> 1. Assuming you entered high school in 2015-16, how many credits will you need to graduate? A) 21 B) 26 C) 24 D) 22
<POSTTEST> 2. What is the minimum weighted GPA required to apply to four-year colleges in the UNC system? A) 3.5 B) 2.5 C) 2.0 D) 4.0
<POSTTEST> 3. Which of the following are needed to graduate? 1 credit each in Arts, Career and Technical Education (CTE) and World Language 2 credits in one of these categories: Arts, CTE, World Language 1 credit in World Language and 1 credit in any elective 2 credits each in Arts, CTE and World Language
Have a great sophomore year! Student Services is here to help you, so please don’t be afraid to ask! Have a great sophomore year!