7th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 2 Nature of Science 1st Day of School 3 4 5 Unit 1 Pretest 8 S7L2 c. What is Life? Characteristics of living things. 9 S7L2 c. Needs of living things 10 S7L2 c. Lab: Characteristics of Living Things 11 S7L2 b.c. Discovering Cells 12 S7L2 b.c. 15 7L2 b.c. ntro to cell organelles Structure and function 16 7L2 b.c. Intro to cell organelles 17 7L2 b.c. 18 7L2 b.c. Lab: Parts of the microscope & usage 19 7L2 b.c. Lab: Cells using prepared slides 22 7L2 b.c. Lab: Identify organelles using microscopes 23 7L2 b.c. Lab recap and analysis 24 S7L1 a.b. S7L2 b.c. Mid Unit Review 25 S7L1 a.b. S7L2 b.c. Mid Unit Assessment 26 S7L2 a.b.c. Cellular Processes Osmosis and Diffusion notes 29 S7L2 a.b.c. Lab: Osmosis 30 S7L2 a.b.c. Lab: Diffusion 31 S7L2 a.b.c. Habits of Mind , Nature of Science and Literacy Standards are ongoing and should be integrated into lessons throughout the units. Formative Assessments/ Summative assessments should be ongoing throughout the units. Unit 1: Structure and Function of Cells (5 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 1: Structure and Function of Cells (5 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 1: Structure and Function of Cells (5 weeks + Buffer week) Revised July 1, 2016 Unit 1: Structure and Function of Cells (5 weeks + Buffer week)
7th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Progress Reports S7L2 a.b.c. Cellular Processes Active and Passive Transport notes 2 S7L2 a.b.c. Osmosis, Diffusion, Active and Passive Transport 5 No School Labor Day 6 S7L2 a.b.c. Photosynthesis and Respiration 7 S7L2 a.b.c. Respiration Lab 8 S7L2 a.b.c. Cell Division: Mitosis 9 S7L2 a.b.c. 12 Unit 1 Review 13 Unit 1 Summative Assessment 14 Unit 1 Remediation/Enrichment 15 Unit 1 Retest if needed 16 Unit 2 PreTest 19 S7L2 b.c. Levels of Classification And Six Kingdoms 20 S7L1 a. S7L2c. Dichotomous Key - learn how to use 21 S7L1 a. S7L2c. Lab: Dichotomous Key 22 S7L1 a.b. S7L2c. 23 S7L2 c Levels of Organization Homeostasis 26 S7L2 e. Organ system notes “Systems Functions Book” 27 S7L2 e. 28 S7L2 d. e. Circulatory System 29 S7L2 d.e. Respiratory System 30 S7L2 d. e Circulatory and Respiratory lab Unit 1: Structure and Function of Cells (5 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 1: Structure and Function of Cells (5 weeks + Buffer week) Buffer Week #1: Summative Assessment, Remediation, Enrichment (5 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 2: Organization of Life (5 weeks + Buffer week) Revised July 1, 2016 Unit 2: Organization of Life (5 weeks + Buffer week)
7th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 S7L2 d.e Respiration Lab 4 S7L2 d.e. Digestive System and Excretory System 5 S7L2 d.e. Digestive System Lab 6 S7L2 c.d.e. Circulatory, Respiratory, Digestive, and Excretory Systems 7 No School Professional Learning 10 Columbus Day 11 S7L2 e. Integumentary, skeletal, and muscular systems 12 S7L2 e. Integumentary, skeletal, and muscular systems 13 Report Cards S7L2 e. Integumentary, skeletal, and muscular system lab 14 S7L2 e. Lab recap and analysis 17 S7L2 e. Nervous System 18 S7L2 e. Immune System and Immune System Lab 19 S7L2 e. Endocrine System 20 S7L2 e.S7L3 b Reproduction Sexual vs. asexual 21 S7L2 e.S7L3 b 24 S7L2 c. d.e. Unit 2 Review 25 S7L2 c.d.e. Unit 2 Summative Test 26 S7L2 c.d.e. Enrich/Remediate 27 S7L2 c.d.e. Unit 2 Retest and Enrich 28 S7L3 a.b.c. Unit 3 Pretest 31 S7L3 a.c. Gregor Mendel Genetics Vocabulary Unit 2: Organization of Life (5 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 2: Organization of Life (5 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 2: Organization of Life (5 weeks + Buffer week) Buffer Week #2: Summative Assessment, Remediation, Enrichment Revised July 1, 2016 Unit 3: Biological Traits and Heredity
7th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 31 S7L3 a.c. Gregor Mendel Genetics Vocabulary 1 S7L3 a.c. Traits Lab 2 S7L3 a.c. Probability and Punnett Squares 3 S7L3 a.c. 4 S7L3 a.c. Squares Lab 7 S7L3 a.c. Meiosis 8 S7L3 a.c. 9 Progress Reports S7L3 a. c. DNA and mutations 10 S7L3 a. c. Human Inheritance 11 No School Veteran’s Day 14 S7L3 a. c. Genetic Disorders 15 S7L3 a. c. Pedigrees 16 S7L3 a. c. Pedigree Lab 17 S7L3 a. c. Selective Breeding, Cloning, and Genetic Engineering 18 S7L3 a. c. Selective Breeding, Cloning, and Genetic Engineering 21 Thanksgiving Break 22 23 24 25 28 S7L3 a. C. Unit 3 Review 29 S7L3 a. C. Unit 3 Summative Test 30 S7L3 a. C. Remediate/Enrich Summative assessments/progress monitoring should be ongoing throughout the units. Unit 3: Biological Traits and Heredity ( 3 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 3: Biological Traits and Heredity ( 3 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 3: Biological Traits and Heredity ( 3 weeks + Buffer week) Revised July 1, 2016 Buffer Week #3: Summative Assessment, Remediation, Enrichment
7th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Summative assessments/progress monitoring should be ongoing throughout the units. 1 S7L3 a. c. Unit 3 Retest and Enrich 2 S7L5 a.b.c. Unit 4 Pretest 5 S7L5 a.b. Darwin’s Theory 6 S7L5 a.b. Darwin’s Observations 7 S7L5 a.b. Similarities between organisms and Darwin’s hypothesis 8 S7L5 a.b. Natural Selection 9 S7L5 a.b. Peppered Moth’s of Manchester 12 S7L5 a.b. Darwin’s Finches Lab 13 S7L5 a.b. Evidence that supports Evolution 14 S7L5 a.b. Species Relationships and Branching Trees 15 S7L5 a.b.c. The Fossil Record How are fossils formed? 16 S7L5 a.b.c. Fossil Lab 19 No School Winter Break 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 31 Buffer Week #3: Summative Assessment, Remediation, Enrichment Unit 4: Evidence of Evolution (2 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 4: Evidence of Evolution (2 weeks + Buffer week) Revised July 1, 2016
7th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Summative assessments/progress monitoring should be ongoing throughout the units. 3 4 No School Professional Learning 5 S7L5 a.b.c. Fossil Dating 6 S7L5 a.b.c. Geological Time Scale 9 S7L5 a.b.c. Unit 4 Review 10 S7L5 a.b.c. Unit 4 Summative Test 11 Report Cards S7L5 a.b.c. Remediate/Enrich 12 S7L5 a.b.c. Unit 4 Retest and Enrich 13 S7L5 a.b.c. Unit 5 Pretest 16 MLK Day 17 S7L4 c. Habitats 18 S7L4 c. 19 S7L4 c. Biotic and Abiotic Factors 20 S7L4 c. 23 S7L4 c. Levels of Organization 24 S7L4 c. Populations: Determining a Population Size 26 S7L4 c. Determining a Population Size Lab and lecture connection 27 S7L4 c. Limiting Factors and Carrying Capacity 30 S7L4 c. Limiting Factors and Carrying Capacity Lab 31 S7L4 c. Limiting Factors and Carrying Capacity Lab and Lecture Connection Don’t forget Science Fair this month!!! Unit 4: Evidence of Evolution (2 weeks + Buffer week) Buffer Week #4: Summative Assessment, Remediation, Enrichment Unit 5: Ecology (5 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 5: Ecology (5 weeks + Buffer week) Revised July 1, 2016 Unit 5: Ecology
7th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 S7L4 c. Population Recap 2 S7L4 c. Adaptations 3 S7L4 c. 6 S7L4 c.d. Symbiosis 7 Progress Reports S7L4 c.d. 8 S7L4 c.d. 9 S7L4 c.d. 10 S7L4 c.d. Symbiosis Lab 13 S7L4 c.d. Symbiosis Lab and Lecture Connection 14 S7L4 c. Primary and Secondary Succession 15 S7L4 c. 16 S7L4 e. Biomes **Biomes home project 17 S7L4 e. 20 No School President’s Day 21 Professional Learning 22 S7L4 e. 23 S7L4 e. 24 S7L4 e. 27 S7L4 c.d. Review 28 S7L4 c.d. Summative Assessment Summative assessments/progress monitoring should be ongoing throughout the units. Unit 5: Ecology (5 weeks + Buffer week) Unit 5: Ecology (5 weeks + Buffer week) Buffer Week # 5: Summative Assessment, Remediation, Enrichment Unit 5: Ecology (5 weeks + Buffer week) Buffer Week #5: Summative Assessment, Remediation, Enrichment Revised July 1, 2016 Unit 6: Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycling
7th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 S7L4 c.d. Enrich/Remediate 2 S7L4 c.d. Retest 3 S7L4 a.b.c. Pretest Unit 6 6 S7L4 a.b.c. Energy Roles 7 S7L4 a.b.c. Food Chains 8 S7L4 a.b.c. Food Chains Lab 9 S7L4 a.b.c. Food Webs 10 S7L4 a.b.c. Food Webs 13 S7L4 a.b.c. Food Webs Lab 14 S7L4 a.b.c. Energy Pyramid 15 S7L4 a.b.c. Energy Pyramid Lab 16 S7L4 a.b.c. Food chains, food webs, energy pyramid connection 17 S7L4 a.b.c. 20 S7L4 c. Cycles of Matter: Water Cycle 21 S7L4 c. Carbon and Oxygen Cycle 22 S7L4 c. Nitrogen Cycle 23 Report Cards S7L4 c.e. Biogeography 24 S7L4 c.e. 27 S7L4 a-e Ecology and Energy Flow Connection 28 S7L4 a.b.c.e Review 29 S7L4 a.b.c.e Summative Assessment 30 S7L4 a.b.c.e 31 S7L4 a.b.c.e Retest and Enrich Unit 6: Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycling (4 weeks + buffer week) Unit 6: Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycling (4 weeks + buffer week) Unit 6: Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycling (4 weeks + buffer week) Unit 6: Energy Flow and Nutrient Cycling (4 weeks + buffer week) Revised July 1, 2016 Buffer Week #5 : Summative Assessment, Remediation, Enrichment
Unit 7: 8th Grade Preview Unit (4 weeks + buffer week) 7th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Summative assessments/progress monitoring should be ongoing throughout the units. 3 No School Spring Break 4 5 6 7 10 11 All Standards Georgia Milestones Review 12 All Standards 13 All Standards 14 Good Friday 17 Georgia Milestones Testing 18 19 20 21 24 S8C1-9 What is Physical Science? 25 S8C1-9 Math and Science 26 Progress Reports S8C1-9 27 S8P2 d. States of Matter 28 S8P2 d. Revised July 1, 2016 Unit 7: 8th Grade Preview Unit (4 weeks + buffer week)
7th Grade Science Pacing Guide 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 S8P2 b.c. Chemical and Physical Properties 2 S8P2 b.c. 3 S8P2 b.c. 4 S8P2 b.c. Periodic Table 5 S8P2 b.c. 8 S8P2 b.c. Mixtures 9 S8P2 b.c. Lab 10 S8P2 b.c. Measuring Matter 11 S8P2 b.c. 12 S8P2 b.c. 15 S8P2 b.c. Matter and Thermal Energy 16 S8P2 b.c. 17 S8P2 b.c. Kinetic and Potential 18 S8P2 b.c. 19 S8P2 b.c. 22 S8C1-9 S8P2 b.c.d. Review & Summative Test 23 S8C1-9 Enrich/Remediate 24 ReTest Last Day Of School 25 26 29 30 31 Summative assessments/progress monitoring should be ongoing throughout the units. Unit 7: 8th Grade Preview Unit (4 weeks + buffer week) Unit 7: 8th Grade Preview Unit (4 weeks + buffer week) Unit 7: 8th Grade Preview Unit (4 weeks + buffer week) Buffer Week #6: Summative Assessment, Remediation, Enrichment Revised July 1, 2016 10