Please feel free to explore our classroom! 2nd Grade’s Curriculum Night Please complete the papers on your child’s desk: Homework Buddy paper Write a note to your child in their journal Please feel free to explore our classroom!
My Webpage Main tool for communication
Morning Exercises Calendar Book Share Books Watch morning announcements on the whiteboard Pledge Calendar
Daily Oral Language
Super Spelling Homework Spelling Pre-Test
English Language Arts What does it involve? Reading Writing Listening Speaking
Harcourt Storytown Leveled Readers
Writing Theme Writing Units Personal Narrative Respond to a Story Friendly Letter Story Description Research Report Writing activities are done with every reading lesson also Report Card-marking indicators (no letter grades) are given on the 2nd and 4th grading periods
Mathematics Curriculum Go Math Instruction will focus on inquiry-based methodology. Problem solving is emphasized in all units. All Pennsylvania Core Standards for Mathematics are addressed. GO MATH! is our textbook series. Each student will receive “mini-books” for all 11 units. Students can write in their consumable books. There are new online resources that can be used at home for additional practice and reinforcement.
Math Grouping Criteria Math Placement Grade 1 Grade 2 Math Grouping Criteria End of the year test Problem solving test Basic Facts test-addition and subtraction Student Attributes Both Groups Similar pacing Daily homework Differentiate within groups Targeted math instruction (when developmentally appropriate)
Go Math username: na123456 password: Tigers1 resources
Oral practice Rocket Math Practice every night 1 minute timed test
Science-Mrs. Ward Username: NA123456 Password: Tigers1 Units of Study: Science Life Science All About Plants How Plants and Animals Live Together How Living Things Grow and Change 2. Space and Technology Earth and Space Technology in our World 3. Physical Science
Social Studies Miss Vollmer Unit 1-People Live in Neighborhoods, Communities, States, Countries, and Continents Unit 2-Landforms, Producers, Consumers, Conservation of our Natural Resources Unit 3-People Make Choices About Earning, Spending, and Saving Money Unit 4-Government of a City, State, and Country Unit 5-Early Settlers of Our Country Unit 6-U.S. Immigration and Connecting Landmarks, Holidays and Artifacts to our Past Username: NA123456 Password: Tigers1
Tiger Time-Mrs. Antoon Tiger Time is data driven and differentiated Topics included during Tiger Time are based on grade level standards and expectations Instruction will align with PES targeted areas of growth as well as the PA Core No specific grade will be given in Tiger Time on the report card, but items will be graded and given to the ELA or math teacher for inclusion with report card grades
Homework T =together Assignment Book-clip Parent must sign daily Used as our main tool for parent communication Expectations Frequency Wonderful Wednesday Peebles Folder Assignment Notice
Report Card Marking Indicators: Grade Scale: + Strength A 90-100 Appropriate - Needs Attention Grade Scale: A 90-100 B 80-89 C 70-79 D 69 and below
Peebles rocks
Crisis Training (Evacuate)-Fire drills monthly Lock Down-monthly (Shelter)-Severe Weather Drill twice a year
**PLEASE NO VACATIONS DURING TESTING WEEKS Testing Schedule for Grade 2 ITBS (Iowa Test of Basic Skills) Week of January 8-12,2018 **PLEASE NO VACATIONS DURING TESTING WEEKS
Absent and Vacation Missed Work Daily absence-gather their missed assignments and send them home with their homework buddy; due the next school day SEND IN A NOTE TO SCHOOL Vacation Work-gather all missed assignments while you are on vacation and give it to your child when they return; you will have up to a week to complete & return all work Trick or Trot 5K & 1Mile Registration includes: Finisher Medal Race Shirt Race Bag Trick or Treating at event and along course 5K Timed Race: $25 / 1 Mile Family Fun Run $15 Awards for school teams, fastest Principal and age division winners. Registration costs increase on October 20th. Register online:
North Allegheny Foundation Mission is to enhance and enrich the educational experience of North Allegheny students, create vital connections with the wider community in supporting North Allegheny schools, and provide scholarship monies to graduating seniors. Annual Report is available at Thank you for your support!
Are there any questions? First… Are there any questions? Next… Am I missing anyone’s email address? Then… a message from Mrs. Bjalobok!