Early Literacy and Early Maths Skills Meeting Welcome!!!
Early Literacy skills As you know, the ability to read and write well is a vital skill for all children, paving the way for an enjoyable and successful school experience. Phonics (the teaching of early reading and writing skills) – 20 min per day and regular time to revisit.
Not all children will learn at the same rate! Daily Phonic Sessions These include fun sessions involving lots of speaking, listening and games where the emphasis is on the children’s active participation. They learn to use their phonic knowledge for reading and writing activities and in their independent play. Not all children will learn at the same rate!
Tricky words They are also taught to read and spell ‘tricky words’ – words with spellings which are unusual or words children have not been taught yet.
Learning how to ‘sound-talk’ Phase One c-a-t = cat Initially the separate sounds (phonemes) are spoken aloud and then merged back together to blend the whole word. Blending is a vital skill for reading. Refer to Oral Blending Video!!!
Matching sounds to letters Phase Two They will also be taught the phonemes (sounds) for a number of letters (graphemes), which sound (phoneme) is represented by which letter (grapheme) and that a sound (phoneme) can be represented by more than one letter, e.g. /ll/ as in b-e-ll. tick = t –i-ck. Now the children will be seeing letters and words, as well as hearing them.
Building words They will be shown how to make whole words by pushing letters together to form simple words. Saying the sounds Your child will be taught how to pronounce the sounds (phonemes) correctly to make blending easier Sounds should be sustained where possible (e.g. ss, ff, m).
Early reading and writing Blending for reading Segmenting for spelling
Handwriting Using their whole body Hand and finger play To strengthen little fingers Hand–eye co-ordination
Crocodile grasp Pencil hold
Early Maths Skills Shape, Space and Measures Numbers Maths is more than just learning how to count. Awareness of measuring and shapes also plays an important part in your child's development.
Counting 1:1 Correspondence To help develop your child's counting skills, you could: help your child count items around the home sing counting songs and nursery rhymes like 'Ten Green Bottles' have your child guess the next number as the oven timer counts down to zero point out numbers in everyday life - on the front door, birthday cards or clocks ask your child to collect a specified number of objects play games like Snakes and Ladders that involve using a dice. 1:1 Correspondence
Careful Counter! 1. Point to each object as you count it 2. Place the objects into a line 3. Give each object one number name 4. Encourage your child to say how many objects there are altogether 5. Talk about numbers in context such as “there are five buttons on your coat, but only four on mine, you’ve got more than me” 6. Encourage children to represent amounts using their fingers or objects.
Measuring To help develop your child's measuring skills, you could: practice measuring things in the home with a tape measure and write down their sizes compare the lengths of two objects compare objects to see which is heavier fill and empty containers weigh ingredients for cooking.
Learning about shapes After learning about the names of shapes, your child's next step is to describe what they are like and what they can do. Things to do at home; compare the shapes of the street signs you see on the way to the shops look at everyday objects and finding words to describe their shape get them to find everyday objects which are squares, circles or triangles.
Thank you for listening.