Health & Safety Through Technology Gwendolyn Beck, Gerontologist Senior Health, Assistant Manager Virginia Hospital Center
Why do I need all this new technology? Helps with your health Helps with your wealth Helps with your entertainment Helps with your brain Helps with your communication
It’s just SO complicated!!! Or is it?
What’s Available Today? SLEEP Trackers – VERY IMPORTANT Personal Emergency Response Systems Fitness Trackers Smart Phones and Applications (Apps) Medicine Dispensers Tablets Why did I leave computers out???
Cool New Devices Kardia Mobile Grand Pad Lifeline “GoSafe” tracks your heart rate and transmits data Grand Pad Lifeline “GoSafe” Emergency Tracking System that GOES with you Medicine Dispensing Machines To ensure you always have the right dose/time Hearing Enhancements 24 hour Bluetooth streaming, multiple speakers and non-linear frequency compression algorithms. Hearing – 24 hour battery life with Lithium battery embedded which Bluetooth for the entire time and adjusts discreetly from your smartphone. Manages noisy environments with multiple speakers. This algorithm compresses frequencies above a pre-calculated cut off frequency and shifts them to a lower frequency range, thereby providing high-frequency audibility. Its not for everyone, but just wanted to see if you’re still paying attention
What’s Available Tomorrow. Robots Tele-medicine Tracker for vital functions ECG, Heart Monitor Body Temperature Respiratory Rate Blood Sugar levels
The Fear of Falling is: Sometimes Worse than the Fall Itself! What is the difference if I’m sleeping or lying on the floor for 8 hours?
Personal Emergency Response System (PERS)
Betty White uses Lifeline! “I'm not a negative thinker, and I always try to accentuate the positive. I chose Philips Lifeline so I could continue living in my home and continue being me.” “I'm not sure why someone would want to live without Philips Lifeline. It's not about being old, it's about being safe...and smart.” “If I can do it, you can do it!”
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