Jeopardy! Julius Caesar Pax Romana Christian Era Decline & Fall Terms & People Emperors Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Pax Romana Pax Romana means this.
$100 Answer from Pax Romana Roman Peace
$200 Question from Pax Romana He was the first emperor during the Pax Romana. He was responsible for building many of Rome’s great buildings.
$200 Answer from Pax Romana Augustus Caesar
$300 Question from Pax Romana The Coliseum, which was bulit during the Pax Romana, holds about this many people.
$300 Answer from Pax Romana 50,000 – 70,000 people
$400 Question from Pax Romana The Pax Romana last about how many years?
$400 Answer from Pax Romana 200 years
$500 Question from Pax Romana He was the emperor most responsible for making Rome economically strong during the Pax Romana.
$500 Answer from Pax Romana Marcus Aurilius
$100 Question from Julius Caesar Why was Julius Caesar murdered?
$100 Answer from Julius Caesar Senators thought he was getting too much power.
$200 Question from Julius Caesar Name one reform Julius Caesar enacted during his rule of Rome.
$200 Answer from Julius Caesar Julian Calendar, fed the poor, broke up the latifundias, have the poor land.
$300 Question from Julius Caesar This was Julius Caesar’s great nephew who eventually becomes Rome’s first emperor. (His “real name” is needed for this question.)
$300 Answer from Julius Caesar Octavian
$400 Question from Julius Caesar Julius Caesar (and his troops) defies the Senate and crosses this river, which begins a civil war in Rome.
$400 Answer from Julius Caesar the Rubicon River
$500 Question from Julius Caesar Before Julius Caesar becomes dictator he rules with two other men. They had equal power. What is this called?
$500 Answer from Julius Caesar a triumvirate
$100 Question from Emperors This emperor was probably insane; he had his mother killed and is said to have started a fire that burned much of Rome.
$100 Answer from Emperors Nero
$200 Question from Emperors He was the first of Rome’s emperors; he was in power during the Pax Romana.
$200 Answer from Emperors Augustus Caesar
$300 Question from Emperors This emperor built the Coliseum where Nero had built his lake.
$300 Answer from Emperors Vespasian
$400 Question from Emperors He was the emperor who built a wall in Britain to keep the enemy out.
$400 Answer from Emperors Hadrian
$500 Question from Emperors The first emperors after Julius Caesar were called the ________-Claudian emperors.
$500 Answer from Emperors Julio
$100 Question from Christian Era Most Romans believed that the early Christians were simply a sect of this first monotheistic religion.
$100 Answer from Christian Era Judaism
$200 Question from Christian Era He preached that “God’s rule was close at hand” and that people should turn away from their sins.
$200 Answer from Christian Era Jesus of Nazareth
$300 Question from Christian Era He is probably the saint most responsible for the spread of Christianity after the crucifixion of Jesus.
$300 Answer from Christian Era Paul
$400 Question from Christian Era This emperor was considered the protector of Christianity; he issued the Edict of Milan.
$400 Answer from Christian Era Constantine
$500 Question from Christian Era This emperor made Christianity Rome’s official religion; all other religions were banned.
$500 Answer from Christian Era Theodosius
$100 Question from Decline & Fall He was the leader of the Huns, an Asian group that plundered Italy in the fifth century.
$100 Answer from Decline & Fall Atila
$200 Question from Decline & Fall The Romans minted more coins as the fall began, which led to a rise in prices called this.
$200 Answer from Decline & Fall Inflation
$300 Question from Decline & Fall This German soldier named himself “King of Italy” in 476 CE, which many historians think of the official “fall” of the empire.
$300 Answer from Decline & Fall Odoacer
$400 Question from Decline & Fall This emperor issued the “Edict of Prices” which he hoped would stabilize the empire.
$400 Answer from Decline & Fall Diocletian
$500 Question from Decline & Fall This empire declared that Rome should be divided into two empires upon his death. It happened in 395 CE.
$500 Answer from Decline & Fall Theodosius I
$100 Question from Terms & People These were the artificial waterways built to give Romans running water.
$100 Answer from Terms & People Aqueducts
$200 Question from Terms & People During the empire this was the area in Rome where government business took place.
$200 Answer from Terms & People The Forum
$300 Question from Terms & People This was built by the emperor Hadrian to honor the Roman gods
$300 Answer from Terms & People Pantheon
$400 Question from Terms & People He was the Visigoth chief who led his people into Italy and sacked Rome.
$400 Answer from Terms & People Alaric
$500 Question from Terms & People What was the name of the chariot race track that was built during the Pax Romana. It could seat about 150,000 people.
$500 Answer from Terms & People Circus Maximus
Final Jeopardy Catagory Emperors During the Pax Romana
Final Jeopardy This “good” emperor built a wall across Britain after the Romans expanded there.
Final Jeopardy Answer Hadrian