A cipher that was secure for 300 years
Cryptology: Making and breaking codes and ciphers Zimmerman Telegram 1917 Ciphers Polybius Second Century BC
Cryptology Cryptography Cryptanalysis
Mathematicians as cryptologists
No Such Agency (1952 shhh!)
National Security Agency
Le Chiffe Indechiffrable Blaise de Vigenere 1523 – 1596. Johannes Trithemius 1462 – 1516. In 1508. Giovan Battista Bellaso 1505 - ???? . In 1553. Charles Dodgson 1832 – 1898. In 1868.
Caesar Cipher Julius Caesar 100 – 44 BC
Vigenere square
Confederate Cipher Wheel Manchester Bluff Complete Victory Come Retribution
The cryptanalysts Friedrich Wilhelm Kasiski 1805 – 1881. In 1863. Charles Babbage 1791 – 1871. In ????. William Friedman 1891 – 1969.