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Presentation transcript:


Roman Government Republic: Power rests with citizens who have the right to vote for their leaders Same as the U.S.

Who has power? Patricians: wealthy landowners Portion of the population: SMALLEST Power: MOST Plebeians: farmers, artisans, merchants Portion of the population: LARGEST Power: LEAST

Twelve Tables What: Rome’s first written law code Significance: Established the idea that ALL free citizens had a right to the protection of the law

Government Under the Republic Consuls: Command the army and direct the government 2 serve together 1 year term Cannot serve again for 10 years One consul can overrule the other

Government Under the Republic Senate: Legislative (laws) and administrative functions of government Members chosen from upper class of Roman society Great influence over foreign and domestic policy

Government Under the Republic Dictator: Leader with absolute power to make laws and control the army ONLY in times of crisis Power lasted only 6 months Chosen by consuls, elected by senate

Rise and Fall Expanding Trade Military Conquest Assimilation Roman Republic Rises Roman Republic Collapses Expanding Trade Military Conquest Assimilation Economic Turmoil Military Upheaval

Rise of Julius Caesar Serves as part of a triumvirate with Pompey (General) and Crassus (wealthy Roman) Triumvirate: group of 3 rulers Conquests in Gaul Great hero Returns and claims power as DICTATOR Many reforms

Fall of Julius Caesar Fear of Caesar’s growing power, success, and popularity Senators plot his assassination March 15, 44 BCE: Caesar is stabbed to death in the senate chamber

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Pax Romana 207-year period of peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire Empire expands Trade increases Culture flourishes

The Fall of Rome: Contributing Factors Political: Political office seen as a burden Military interference in politics Civil war and unrest Division of the empire Emperor Diocletian- attempt to better manage the vast empire Moving of capital to Byzantium Emperor Constantine- Reunites the empire but chose to relocate the capital which shifts the balance of power

The Fall of Rome: Contributing Factors Social: Decline in interest in public affairs Low confidence in empire Disloyalty, lack of patriotism, corruption Contrast between rich and poor Decline in population due to disease and food shortage

The Fall of Rome: Contributing Factors Economic: Poor harvests Disruption of trade No more war plunder Gold and silver drain Inflation Increase in prices and fall in the value of money Crushing tax burden Widening gap between rich and poor Increasingly impoverished Western Empire

The Fall of Rome: Contributing Factor Military: Threat from northern European tribes Low funds for defense Problems recruiting Roman citizens So, recruit non-Romans to serve Decline of patriotism and loyalty among soldiers

The Fall of Rome: Immediate Cause Invasion by Germanic Tribes and the Huns

Legacy of Rome: Latin Language

Legacy of Rome: Architecture Aqueducts Arches Domes Concrete

Legacy of Rome: Roads

Legacy of Rome: Law Right to equal treatment under the law Innocent until proven guilty Burden of proof on the accuser Unreasonable or unfair laws can be set aside SEEM FAMILIAR?

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Rise of Christianity Led by: Jesus of Nazareth & Apostles First followers: Jews Original teachings did not contradict Judaism

Jewish Diaspora Romans invade Jerusalem (70 CE) Jewish political state ceases to exist Disapora = Dispersal from homeland into exile

Constantine Roman emperor (306 CE- 324 CE) Edict of Milan (313 AD)- ends persecution of Christians

Theodosius Roman Emperor (379 CE- 395 CE) 380 CE- Makes Christianity the official religion of the empire