Fruit or Vegetable of the Day!!!
- You can plant the top of this fruit and it will grow another fruit in 2-3 years - Hawaii and Costa Rica are large growers of these fruits
- This hybrid fruit is a cross between a plum and an apricot - Sometimes called “dinosaur eggs” - Grown in Washington State and California
Pluot (ploo-ot)
- Popeye ate this vegetable to get strong - This leafy green vegetable can be eaten raw or cooked - Grown in California, Arizona, New Jersey, Texas, Colorado, Maryland, and Arkansas
- This fruit is a fuzz-free relative of the peach - The fruit around the pit (seed) is said to be the sweetest
-Officially this is a fruit (it has seeds) -This fruit can come in green, yellow, tan and even blue - The 1st U.S. President, George Washington, loved to grow it
Summer Squash
-They were first grown as a medicine -They are not always orange -There are purple, white and yellow too -There are special varieties that are small, sweet and bright orange in color. They are NOT machine cut or immature vegetables
Baby Carrots
-They are a summer fruit that is grown on trees -They are a summer fruit that is grown on trees. Groups of these trees are called orchards -They are a stonefruit (a pitted fruit) -They are relatives of peaches, apricots and plums -It takes 250 to make one pie
-South Florida is a major growing area and supplier -They are subtropical and don’t like cold weather -It was a favorite food of the ancient Aztecs and Incas
-They are a stonefruit (a pitted fruit) and are related to nectarines, peaches, apricots and cherries -They are good eaten right off of the tree, dried or cooked in recipes
Italian Plum
-They have a teardrop shape and sweet taste -They are one of America’s favorite foods. They are delicious in salads, pizza sauce, salsa and with pasta -Collier County is a major location for growers in the country
Grape Tomatoes