Project Facts Partners: DANTE (UK), GARR (IT), RedCLARA (UY), RedIRIS (ES), RENATA (CO), RNP (BR), TERENA (NL) Coordinator: RedCLARA Project Duration:


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Presentation transcript:

Europe Latin America Collaborative e-Infrastructure for Research Activities

Project Facts Partners: DANTE (UK), GARR (IT), RedCLARA (UY), RedIRIS (ES), RENATA (CO), RNP (BR), TERENA (NL) Coordinator: RedCLARA Project Duration: 24 Months Total Budget: € 1,360,695 EC Contribution: € 1,000,000

Summary The ELCIRA Project aims to coordinate a series of collaboration tools and services that are being developed in Europe and Latin America in order to provide an interoperability framework that facilitates the work of European-Latin American research teams and to foster collaboration in joint research projects.

Objectives To foster the creation of federations in LA for authentication, authorisation and identity (AAI) mechanisms and its integration with Europe’s EduGAIN To coordinate the development and deployment of collaboration tools and services for research communities of Europe and Latin America by: Setting the grounds for the development of a Europe-Latin America High Quality Video Conference Service integrated with EduCONF. Create and promote a prototype collaboration Portal for user communities of both continents, based on a Cloud Style version of RedCLARA’s Portal enriched with open source toosl developed in Europe.

Objectives To foster the deployment of eduroam services in the Latin American countries. To promote collaboration of Latin American and European researchers through: information, dissemination of funding opportunities, training and electronic collaboration tools and other activities.

Work Plan Objective I Objective II.a. Objective III Objective IV WP2 Coordinated Actions for AAI between EU and LA WP7 Disssemination WP3. Standards for an Interregional Videoconference Service WP4 Promoting the deployment of eduroam WP5. Extending and Strengthening the Collaboration Platform WP6. Fostering the Collaboration between EU and LA Researchers WP1 Management Objective II.b.

Activities Launch Meeting in Lima on July 2012 Partners Agreement signed Web Page on line Regular Steering Committee Meetings WP2 through WP5 packages permanent activity WP2-WP4 Meeting in Santiago in December

WP5 User Survey

WP5 Services Selection Communities portal, based on Joom-social The communities’ portal is a service where users can create groups or communities to interact with. The service has well known features like wall publishing, private messages, add contacts and other to manage and handle a community in an academic or scientific area. Wiki service The Wiki service allows collaborated document creation through a simple web page. The Wiki created documents are instantly published to the web, and can be edited at any time with the users using only their browser. History records of any change are stored. Web-conference service based on MCONF The Webconference system will be based on the MCONF platform developed by the Brazilian NREN RNP. The Webconference service will allow handling multi-video meetings with co-workers. The main advantage is that the system does not need installing any software of element in clients’ computer. Large File transfer service With the Large File Transfer service, the researchers could share a file with their colleagues using cloud storage. If the end-user wants to send a 2 Gbytes file overseas, systems like email can’t do the work. With this service, the user will only have to upload the document and sent the link, and will be set.

WP5 Service Access Services currently provided by the RedCLARA portal accessed through username and password (currently) or Identity Federations (IdPs) and Shibboleth, once the RedCLARA portal will has been fully made shibboleth compliant Services implemented directly within the portal of individual NRENs, after their integration into a Federated model for AAI: ELCIRA will play the role of ensuring Federation based AAI is used while making use of services already implemented by NRENs. Services available through the ELCIRA platform, possibly integrated into the portals of NRENs; a relevant difference with the previous category is that these services will be directly provided by ELCIRA and that Technical Staff from the NREN will integrate them into the national NRENs’ portals.

WP2 Federations During the kick-off meeting on July, 2012, were selected three NRENs to have federation implemented: REUNA (Chile), RAAP (Peru) and RENATA (Colombia); The deliverable D2.1 were deliverable and accepted by European Commission on 23/Oct/2012; The Federation training material were translated to Spanish and now is been modeling to online mode; The project is expecting to receive an agreement from the legal representative of all NRENs, signing the collaboration in this project.

WP4 eduroam During the kick-off meeting on July, 2012, were nominated seven NRENs to have eduroam implemented: Argentine, Costa Rica, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador, El Salvador, Colombia; The deliverable D4.1 were deliverable and accepted by European Commission on 03/Oct/2012; The eduroam training material will be the one developed by Jose Luis Quiroz Arroyo with the RadSec section sent by RNP and now is been modeling to online mode; The project is expecting to receive an agreement from the legal representative of all NRENs, signing the collaboration in this project.