Triduum L/o: to learn the catholic understanding of the three most important days before Easter the final three days of Lent and Holy Week and thus the last three days before Easter Sunday. The Paschal Triduum begins with the Mass of the Lord's Supper on the evening of Holy Thursday and continues until the start of the Easter Vigil on the evening of Holy Saturday.
A tryptich is a work of art (usually a panel painting) that is divided into three sections, or three carved panels that are hinged together and can be folded shut or displayed open
You will design a triptych with three parts 1-each part will describe one aspect of the Paschal triduum 3-Remember it could be your own creation or you could use parts in the class and use colours to explain it 4-write a label under your picture colouring!!! 2- use the information on the wall especially the colours and models
The Triduum in Art
Maundy Thursday (also called Holy Thursday) In the Catholic Church, in the Mass of the Lord's Supper, during the Gloria in Excelsis Deo, all church bells may be rung and the organ played; afterwards, bells and organ are silenced until the Gloria of the Easter Vigil.[3] After the homily of the Mass, "where a pastoral reason suggests it", a ritual washing of the feet follows The Mass concludes with a procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the altar of repose Eucharistic adoration is encouraged after this, but if continued after midnight should be done without outward solemnity. The liturgical colour for the Mass vestments and other ornaments is white in the Catholic Church
Good Friday On Good Friday, Christians recall the passion and crucifixion of Jesus. In the Roman Catholic , a cross or crucifix (not necessarily the one that stands on or near the altar on other days of the year) is ceremonially unveiled. In the Catholic ritual, priests traditionally begin the service kneeling in front of the altar. Mass is not celebrated on Good Friday and the communion distributed at the Celebration of the Lord's Passion is consecrated on Holy Thursday, Also in Catholicism, images of saints may, in accordance with local custom, be veiled throughout the last two weeks of Lent. Votive lights before these images are not lit. Crucifixes that are movable are hidden, while those that are not movable are veiled until after the Good Friday service. Catholic faithful typically venerate the crucifix by kissing the feet of the corpus. The Catholic Church uses red vestments, symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ, but in the pre-1970 form of the Roman Missal the priest wears black, changing to violet for the communion part of the service.
Easter Sunday . A vigil service is held after nightfall on Holy Saturday, or before dawn on Easter Sunday, in celebration of the resurrection of Christ The ceremony of darkness and light is held at the beginning of the Easter Vigil Mass. The paschal candle, whose lighting symbolizes the resurrection of Christ from the dead is lit from the new Easter fire. In Catholic practice, during the Gloria at the Mass, the organ and church bells are used in the liturgy for the first time in two days.[19] If the lights of the Church have been previously left off, they are turned on as the Gloria begins. The Paschal candle is used to bless the baptismal font to be used in the celebration of the sacrament. The Great Alleluia is sung before the Gospel is read, Alleluia being used for the first time since before Lent. People are baptised In current practice, the use of lighting to signify the emergence from sin and the resurrection of Jesus varies, from the use of candles held by parishioners as well as candelabras lit throughout the church. Color of vestments and hangings: white, often together with gold, with yellow and white flowers often in use in many parishes. Easter Masses are held throughout the day and are similar in content to the Easter Vigil Mass.
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