Glossary of Video Gaming Acronyms, Abbreviations and Slang
Over the past several years, video gamers have popularized certain acronyms, abbreviations and slang phrases which are used to express their emotions, opinions and physical conditions. Newbies are often confused by these coined phrases and find themselves typing "?" "???" and even "??????" over and over again. To avoid this overuse of the question mark and provide a clear explanation, here are listed some parts of the glossary of internet gaming acronyms, abbreviations and slang.
Expressions of appreciation for a fellow gamer's humor :D LOL - "laughing out loud" though in real life you may be simply smiling broadly or perhaps quietly chuckling. ROFL - You are "rolling on the floor laughing". Obviously, if you were really rolling on the floor you would be unable to reach the keyboard and continue playing. However, you might be tickled by someone's comment or action. ROFLMAO - You are "rolling on the floor laughing my ass off ". You respond to the funniest thing you've heard in days by collapsing into helpless laughter.
Acronyms used while pausing an online game: AFK------ Acronyms used while pausing an online game: AFK------ Away from keyboard ATM----- At the moment BBIAB--- Be back in a bit BBL------ Be back later BRB ----- Be right back
Popular Gaming Platform Acronyms DS = Nintendo DS (Nintendo) PC = Windows PC (Microsoft) PMG3 = Power Mac G3 (Apple) PS3 = PlayStation 3 (Sony) 360 = Xbox 360 (Microsoft) touch = iPod touch (Apple)
Common Core Gaming Acronyms DOT = Damage Over Time FPS = Frames Per Second (how much pictures/frames the game produces for the eyes.) DPS = refers to the average rate of damage inflicted over time. In fighting games, a higher DPS indicates a more dangerous enemy. PvM = Player versus Monster (PvM denotes a style of gameplay where you (the Player) are pitted against monsters.) PvE = Player versus Environment (PvE denotes a style of gameplay where you (the Player) are pitted against the environment.) PvP = Player versus Player (In PvP gameplay, the character you control is battling other characters controlled by other players.) NPC = Non-Player Character Characters in gameplay autonomously controlled by a the computer itself. XP = eXperience Points -This number in gaming represents the total amount of experience your character has gained through gameplay. The idea here is the more you play, the more experienced you are at the game and hence, the more XP you earn.
Common Gaming Terms: These are extremely common to run across in the gaming world…especially as you move from casual gaming to core gaming. Spawn = The location in the gaming world where an NPC appears. It is common for players to ask each other such things as, “Where do the blue cats spawn?” in order to locate them faster. Lag = In short, to lag is to fail to maintain a desired pace or to keep up. In gaming, lag typically refers to your computer or your internet connection. In either case, lag causes the game to slow down. GG - Good game GJ - Good job GL - Good luck GLHF - Good luck have fun
Other common terms: DLC – Downloadable content. Usually but not always costs money. Can range from various junk like new costumes to actually useful things like new levels and characters. Very often just a cheap way of getting money from gamers who have to conspicuously consume everything in sight. Especially irritating when they charge you real-life money for content that is already on the game disc. Hack – Originally referred to either to someone making (completely legal) changes to computer hardware or software. More commonly refers to illegally breaking into someone else’s computer system, or simply cheating at a game to gain an unfair advantage.
Easter Egg – A piece of hidden information within the game Easter Egg – A piece of hidden information within the game. Typically humorous and has no effect on the gameplay. Most instances of Easter Eggs are simply pop culture references, but in the 1990s and nowadays it is common for them to carry unauthorized messages, images, and even scary pop-ups in the game. Patch – An update for a game where problems are fixed, characters are balanced, and/or new content is added. Before every computer was connected to the internet, patches were an expensive headache for the players to get, but the problem nowadays is resolved.