TOPIC NAME YABBA DABBA DO! YEAR GROUPS 3 AND 4 ENGLISH MATHS Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura Narrative writing Instructions Information texts Stanley by Syd Hoff Writing our own class book MATHS Number - Fractions Measurement – Time Number - Decimals Measurement - Money SCIENCE Classification of rock types Fossilisation Planning and carrying out investigations HISTORY THE STONE AGE Stone Age to Iron Age Britain Hunter gatherers Bronze Age technology, religion and travel GEOGRAPHY Looking at Britain during the Stone Age Areas of settlement Factors involved in choice of settlement Map skills PE/GAMES Gym and dance ART/ DESIGN AND TECH Use of media to create different images from the Stone Age: Cave painting using twigs, charcoal and oil Clay sculpture Chalk drawing COMPUTING Programming and coding; presentation MFL (FRENCH) Mamba et L’oiseau Mamba and the crocodile bird Building sentences using verbs and adverbs MUSIC Communication Composition linked to Computing Composition linked to English RE/PSHE Christianity: Asking big questions The miracles of Jesus The Easter story