DEVELOPING VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP SKILLS Kam Raval National Tutor Trainer Sports Leaders UK Kevin Hatton Projects Officer, East Midlands College Sport Week 2014 St George’s Park - Burton-on-Trent
Our Qualifications Sports Leadership Dance Leadership Sports Volunteering Outdoor Leadership Level 1 Award in Sports Leadership (13+) Level 1 Award in Dance Leadership (13+) Level 1 Award in Sports Volunteering (13+) Level 2 Award in Sports Leadership (14+) Level 2 Award in Community Sports Leadership (16+) Level 2 Award in Dance Leadership (16+) Level 2 Award in Community Sports Volunteering (16+) Level 2 Award in Assisting in Basic Expedition Leadership (16+) Qualifications fall under 4 strands and are colour coordinated All 11 Qualifications sit on the QCF and are nationally recognised. Change to SCQF slide (at bottom) when in Scotland. Certain requirements for Qualifications; AAC, Trained Tutors, Register Candidates, Assessment, Quality Assurance (IA, IV, EV) Trained tutor status goes across the levels for SL, DL & SV. Outdoor Leadership operates differently and separate training programme – direct to Pat Mee. Ages are minimum, no upper age limit (Age change for HSL 16/17 coming into effect from Jan 2014) Level 3 Certificate in Higher Sports Leadership (16/18+) Level 3 Certificate in Basic Expedition Leadership (17/18+) Level 3 Award in Day Walk Leadership (17/18+)
Day Certificate in Sports Leadership Foreign Language Leader Award Certificated Awards 16+ Day Certificate in Sports Leadership 14+ Women Get Set Go 13+ Foreign Language Leader Award Maths Leader Award Literacy Leader Award Awards are more informal than Qualifications (don’t need to be AAC, Trained Tutor, Register Candidates, QA etc) All supported by Tutor Resource materials on The Association. Further info available on the website or ask Q’s to staff today PM: 6hrs (PACE), £6 per learner (aimed at Primary Schools) YL: 6-10hrs (FAST PACE), £6 per learner (recommended 11+ but can certificate 9+) FL: 30hrs, 6 Units. £19.50 per learner. ML/LL: 30hrs. £10.00 per learner. WGSG: 15hrs, 8 Units. TRP £50.00. £19.50 per learner Day Cert: 7hrs, £6 per learner 11+ 9-11
80 volunteers trained as sports leadership skills Two National Companies to provide staff to be trained as part of their Corporate Volunteer Development programme 3 groups of volunteers trained by three tutors Volunteers to be split in to teams of 6 to deliver 75 minutes of activities for 15 children Space available – sports hall, playing field, ball room Activities to include: Relay Games Team Games Invasion/Ball Games Tag Games Mini Games Festival for 250 primary age children Children from 5 primary schools and 1 Disability Charity Organisation Schools and charity to transport children to a central venue
ORGANISING COMMITTEE Purpose Roles and responsibilities VOLUNTEERS TRAITS Skills Qualities and Values VOLUNTEER ROLES Responsibilities to children Responsibility to organisation
Unit 1 / Unit 2 Values Qualities Skill Positive Attitude Humour Organisation skills Respect Punctuality Communication skills Tolerance Empathy Motivating skills Determination Fairness Planning Commitment Responsibility Giving feedback Integrity Motivated Giving praise Fair Play Enthusiastic Observational skills Gamesmanship Dedicated Supervising skills Friendship Demonstration
Unit 1 Unit 5 Unit 6 Planning for a session / event / competition –Games Festival 250 children People Before During After Booking system Purpose: participation Preparation / arrival Presentation Confirm number of participants Purpose: Fun & competition Time of event / time one ach station Prizes / Fair play award Special needs, abilities, gender Purpose: develop confidence communication system Safe exit for participants Medical conditions Age groups Healthy refreshments Clean up / pack up Umpires/Marshals Sports / rules Disruption Thank you-s Volunteers /runners Clubs / helpers Behaviour Feedback 1st Aiders Timetable Spectator control Evaluation Refreshments Order of play Photography Report Score keepers Results table Media control Press report Enough helpers Lots of coordinators Main coordinator Information desk Set up in advance Rubbish control Sport specific set up Security Back up plan
Unit 1 evaluation