I-9 Instructions and FAQs
Form I-9 Basics Employers are required by law to complete an I-9 for each Employee hired regardless of the term of employment (1 hour, 1 day etc.) This is why it is important to for the Employee to complete Section 1 of the I-9 by their first day of work. The I-9 must be completed and sent to Charter HR after the job offer has been made and accepted or it needs to be completed prior to the employee starting work on their first day and sent to Charter HR. Used to verify Employees eligibility to work in the United States Employers may hire only persons who may legally work in the United States and aliens authorized to work in the U.S. Form is produced by the Dept. of Homeland Security and is periodically updated Use the latest version of I-9 (upper right hand corner “expires 8/31/2019”, lower right hand corner “Rev. 11/14/2016) Employer must have I-9 Instructions & List of Acceptable Documents available to Employee(s) when they are filling out Section 1 of I-9 Here is why we collect the I-9s Its not a IH Services rule, it’s a Federal law Employers may only hire people who are eligible to work in the US – doesn’t matter what their citizenship status is Employers can face big fines (into the hundreds of thousands of dollars) if I-9s aren’t filled out correctly or aren't completed at all
Employee CAN NOT start to work until their paperwork is completed I-9 INSTRUCTIONS Section One must be completed by the Employee. Employee must complete the following: Last Name, First Name, Middle Initial Maiden Name (if applicable) Address (Street, City, State, Zip code)- Can’t be a PO Box- the employee must contact the post office or non-emergency police to find out physical 911 address Date of Birth Social Security Number Email and phone number are optional Read warning and check a box to attest to citizen or immigration status Sign and Date Employer representative is responsible for ensuring Section 1 is filled out correctly and completely. Must Be Completed prior to 1st day of work or prior to beginning work on their first day (at the latest) Employee CAN NOT start to work until their paperwork is completed
& Employee should sign and date Employee must check one of the boxes Ensure the form is the most current form. This section must be legible. Employee’s name must match what is on the presented supporting documents. E-mail address and phone number are optional. Employee may write “N/A” if they choose not to provide this information. Employee must check one of the boxes Number entered here if applicable. Employee should sign and date Employee must check one of the boxes The Preparer and Translator Certification SHOULD NOT be completed unless someone completed the form for the employee &
I-9 INSTRUCTIONS Employer Representative should: Fill out Employee’s Last Name & First Name & Citizenship at top of Section 2 of I-9. Examine documents to insure they are valid and not expired. You may not specify which documents employee presents from lists. Because Charter HRuses E-Verify, we are only able to accept documents from List B if they have a photograph on them. Complete the following: (SECTION 2 CANNOT BE FILLED OUT BY EMPLOYEE) Record documents that employee provides in List A or B and C Enter Document Title, Issuing Authority, Document # and Expiration Date for each (you may use abbreviations for document title, ex. DL for Drivers License, SS for Social Security Number, etc.). If an employee presents a List A doc and also either a List B or C document along with it only write down the List A doc info. Enter date of hire. Sign your name, print your name, title, company information & date it. Send in “clear” copies of documents (if employee provides Resident card- copy front and back).
Or 1 document from List B and List C Make legible copies of documents to send in with I-9- if employee presents resident card make copy of front and back Enter Employees Full Name and Citizenship Status from Page 1 1 document from List A Or 1 document from List B and List C All documents must be unexpired and original with the exception of a certified copy of a birth certificate. Employer must clearly indicate document title, issuing authority, document number and expiration date. It is important to note the examiner of the documents and the employee must both be physically present during the examination of the employee’s documents. Enter Hire Date- Print your name and sign and date Do not complete Section 3 -Call HR with any questions on when Section 3 should be completed REMEMBER: Employers CANNOT specify which document(s) they will accept from an employee. &
LISTS OF ACCEPTABLE DOCUMENTS All documents must be UNEXPIRED Employees may present one selection from List A or a combination of one from List B and one selection from List C.
Frequently Asked Questions May I accept a photocopy of a document presented by a new hire? No. All new employees must present the original documents when verifying authorization for employment. The only exception is accepting a certified copy of a birth certificate. Can I accept an expired document (passport, driver's license, etc.) to establish a new hire's identity for I-9 purposes? No. All documents MUST be unexpired at the time the I-9 form is completed. May I terminate an employee who fails to produce the required documents within three business days of his or her start date? Yes. You may terminate an employee who fails to produce the required document or documents, or an acceptable receipt for a document, within three business days of the date employment begins. HR MUST be notified prior to termination. .
Frequently Asked Questions Can the employee complete Section 2 (Employers Section)? No. The purpose of Section 2 is to verify the employee’s documentation and to record the documentation in List A or List B and List C of the form. This should only be completed by the employer representative. Can I tell my employee what documentation they have to present? No. We must let the employee decide which documentation (off of the approved list) they want to provide. What should I do if an employee presents a Social Security card marked “NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT,” but states that he or she is now authorized to work? You should ask the employee to provide another document to establish his or her employment authorization, since such Social Security cards do not establish this and are not acceptable documents for Form I-9. Such an employee should go to the local Social Security Administration (SSA) office with proof of his or her lawful employment status to be issued a Social Security card without employment restrictions.
I-9 CHECKLIST Did I have every Employee complete their I-9 before they reported to work? Did I verify that the information that they entered in Section 1 was legible and complete? Did I write the Employee’s name at the top of Section 2? Did I properly and legibly record the documentation in either List A or List B and List C? Is the documentation in the right List? Are the expiration dates (if required) correct? Is the proper amount of documentation provided? (We do not want to over document) Did I enter the employee’s hire date? Did I sign and date the form? Did I make LEGIBLE copies of ID’s? Did I send the I-9 form and I-9 IDs to the Charter HR prior to the employee starting work on their first day?