Part 4 The People’s Republic Joins the World The Cold War Part 4 The People’s Republic Joins the World
Will the Real China please get to Veto! When the UN was formed the Security Council Five Permanent Members were given Veto power. They Were the Soviet Union, US, UK, France and The Republic of China (that is the Guomingdang) Even though they lost control of China itself in 1949 UN General Assembly Resolution 505 in 1952 let the Guomingdang continue to sit on the security council and have Veto power. And kept the Peoples’ Republic of China out of the UN
China Opens up In 1971, Zhou Enlai, concerned about China’s Isolation and reliance on the Soviets, invited the US table-tennis team to a series of matches in China. Later in that year the US supported the People’s Republic joining the UN. UN General Assembly Resolution 2758 gave the Peoples’ Republic of China full membership, and veto power The “Republic of China” (Guomingdang) was thrown out. In 1972, Richard Nixon President of the US, visited China He met with both Mao and Zhou Enlai negotiating cultural and trade exchanges between the US and Communist China And thus driving a wedge between the Soviets and China, splitting the communist world. Nixon, famously anti-communist, was the only politician who could do this without being accused of being soft on communism. It is said: “Only Nixon Could Go to China”
Agriculture, Industry, Science, & Technology After Mao In 1976 both Mao and Zhou, Enlai died. Moderates took control they jailed the leaders of the Cultural Revolution. In 1980 Deng, Xiao-ping took control of the Government He began Economic reform: “The Four Modernizations” Agriculture, Industry, Science, & Technology Agriculture: communes are ended, land is leased to peasants, Result: by 1984 production is up 50%! Industry: ---Managers of State Industries allowed more independence. ---Private Businesses allowed! ---Foreign investment and trade encouraged Science and Technology: foreign contacts and trade transfer new tech to China
Tiananmen Square Deng Xiao-ping wanted Economic but not Political Reform… The (communist) Party must remain supreme! With trade came western ideas, Music, Movies, clothing styles and…Democracy. In April 1989 100,000 Students protested for democracy, with popular support In June Deng called in the tanks, most left but 5000 remained and built the “Goddess of Democracy” While one man bravely faced down a tank The Soldiers shot into the crowd. Hundreds died, thousands were wounded Since then Economic Reforms continue But the Party still holds all the power! After Deng died, Jiang Zemin (1997-2002) and Hu Jintao (2002 to present) continued his policies.
Hong Kong In 1997 after 155 years as a British Colony Hong Kong was retuned to Chinese rule The “Peoples’ Republic” promised that they could keep their Democratic institutions and civil rights, there would be: “One Nation Two Systems” But “the Party” has insisted on choosing who can run for office and has limited other freedoms…. Protests have resulted and continue. Today China is an economic juggernaut, its economy will soon surpass the US in Size But politically there is still little or no freedom.