Week of 3.21.16
Today and tomorrow we will work on our Topic Proposals. Dual Credit 3.21.16 Today and tomorrow we will work on our Topic Proposals. Journal 5 is due tonight at midnight.
Copy Stems List #72 – We have a stems quiz on Thursday! AP Lang: Do Now 3.21.16 Copy Stems List #72 – We have a stems quiz on Thursday!
Today we will be taking our Gatsby Ch 5-7 quiz. AP Lang 3.21.16 Today we will be taking our Gatsby Ch 5-7 quiz. Please turn in your reading questions. When you finish your quiz you may read the last two chapters of the book. Unit test on Wednesday Stems Quiz on Thursday
We have a stems quiz on Friday next week! Dual Credit: Do Now 3.22.16 Copy Stems List #73. We have a stems quiz on Friday next week!
Dual Credit: Do Now 3.22.16 List #73
Dual Credit: Do Now 3.22.16 List #73
Dual Credit: Do Now 3.22.16 List #73
Dual Credit: Do Now 3.22.16 List #73
Dual Credit: Do Now 3.22.16 List #73
Today we will work on our Topic Proposals. Dual Credit 3.22.16 Today we will work on our Topic Proposals. Please make sure that you are on task. We will be workshopping your topic proposal rough draft on Thursday!
Discuss The Great Gatsby Finish reading Work on the review AP Lang 3.22.16 Discuss The Great Gatsby Finish reading Work on the review You have your Gatsby Unit Test tomorrow and a stems quiz on Thursday!
In 5 or more sentences, respond to the quote below. Do Now: Quote 3.23.16 In 5 or more sentences, respond to the quote below. “If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.” -Anne Bradstreet
Dual Credit 3.23.16 Clear your desk of everything but a few pieces of paper and something to write with. We are going to have some fun today! (Well, I am going to have some fun!)
You have 3 minutes to look over your review! AP Language 3.23.16 You have 3 minutes to look over your review! We are taking our The Great Gatsby Unit Test today. You may use a pen or a pencil. When you are finished with your test, please find SOMETHING to work on!
Do Now 3.24.16 Dual Credit: If you could “magically” change one thing, what would it be and why? AP Lang: You have 8 minutes to study, then we are taking our stems quiz!
As you are reading your classmates work, ask yourself: Dual Credit 3.24.16 As you are reading your classmates work, ask yourself: Does this answer the prompt? Is this arguable in 7-10 pages? Will this reach 7-10 pages? Where else could ___ look for information on this topic? Don’t forget: No School Tomorrow!
Today, you will be taking Stems Quiz #72. AP Lang 3.24.16 Today, you will be taking Stems Quiz #72. When you are finished, please turn your quiz in to the basket and find something else to work on. If needed, I can provide work for you to complete. Don’t forget: No School Tomorrow!