AoSEC Principals group The South East – static or improving? Phil Romain HMI Further Education & Skills 30 September 2016
Aims Review the ‘state of the region’ in terms of inspection outcomes and changes over time. Review the relative performance of advantaged and disadvantaged learners in the region.
Proportion of providers graded good or better at their last inspection
Proportion of providers graded good or better at their last inspection
Proportion of providers graded good or better at their last inspection
Changes in grade this year: all full inspections
Changes in grade this year: from requires improvement
Short inspections
Declining grade by provider type
The South East - positives Proportionally, more providers are good and outstanding than England as a whole. The proportion of providers graded good or better is increasing. Apart from in London, more students achieve a level 2 qualification including English and maths by age 19 than in other regions. Apart from in London, more students achieve a level 3 qualification by age 19 than in other regions.
Attainment of disadvantaged learners Measure England South East KS4: 5+ GCSEs A*-C including English & maths FSM/NFSM gap (%pts) -27.9 -33.8* Post 16 - level 2 qualification with English and maths by age of 19 FSM/NFSM gap (%) -27 -34* Post 16 - level 3 qualification by age of 19 FSM/NFSM gap (%pts) -25 -32 * worst performing region
Young people aged 16-18 not in education, employment or training Measure (2015 data) England South East Not in education, employment or training (NEET) 4.2% 3.9%* (*Range: Surrey 1.6 to Medway 7.5) Proportion who's destination is unknown 8.4 10.2** (**Range: Brighton and Hove 2.2 to Windsor and maidenhead 39.1) Obvious pattern of study programmes grades being significantly lower, and having a negative impact on overall grades. Key factors here are English and maths, and to a lesser extent work experience.
The South East Disadvantaged learners perform less well than in many parts of the country, and the gap in attainment between the disadvantaged and their peers is the largest in the country.
Thank you