The School-Led System Roger Pope CBE, Chair of NCTL Investing in your workforce, 2017 School Led Conference – 27 June 2017 Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
The school-led system ITT School improvement CPD & Leadership Teaching School Alliances Teaching Schools Council Chartered College of Teaching NCTL RSCs Part 1: The school-led system - overview Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
Sub-regional improvement boards (e.g. RSC, LAs, MATs, Schools) School improvement Good Grow the top NLEs TSAs SLEs & NLGs Part 1: The school-led system - overview Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. Commission Sub-regional improvement boards (e.g. RSC, LAs, MATs, Schools) Not yet good enough
A career path for teachers ITT CPD NPQs Headship & beyond… Part 1: The school-led system - overview Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
Justine Greening, 16 February 2017 “I want CPD to run like a golden thread throughout teachers’ careers, with high-quality, evidence-based development available for all teachers, particularly in our most challenging schools.” Justine Greening, 16 February 2017 Part 1: The school-led system - overview Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
588 teaching school alliances 1,263 NLEs 453 NLGs 7,760 SLEs 750 teaching schools & 588 teaching school alliances Part 2 The school-led system in practice Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. Information correct as at 1/6/17: Note: Over 27,000 recruited to postgraduate ITT in academic year 2016/17. Training via school-led routes: 11,000 in 2014/15 (excluding Teach First) 14,200 in 2015/16 Over 15,000 in 2016/17* *provisional data 36,698 total number of registrations on NPQ programmes Sep 2016: over 50% of ITT recruits on school-led routes 39,917 NPQ registrations
Tudor Grange SCITT, West Midlands Part 2 The school-led system in practice Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. Tudor Grange SCITT, West Midlands
They run a SCITT with 2 further TSAs to operate at scale. The Cambridge Teaching Schools Network (CTSN) is a network of 5 teaching schools, forming 3 teaching school alliances. They run a SCITT with 2 further TSAs to operate at scale. After 5 years, they’ve grown from around 20 trainees to approximately 80 for 2017/18. Strong partnership with Anglia Ruskin University offering access to Masters credits to all trainees. Part 2 The school-led system in practice Information correct as at 27/6/17 Information provided by the Cambridge Teaching Schools Network (CTSN) Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. Information provided by CTSN
A story of school-to-school support The Oxford Academy Dec 2014 Ofsted rating ‘requires improvement’ Only around 1/3 of students achieving 5+ A*-C grades including English and maths School governance flagged as a main area for improvement RSC brokers support In 2015, the RSC worked with the academy and the Diocese of Oxford, leading to Southfields Teaching School being awarded £15k school-to-school support funding to work with the academy This funding provided extra capacity for governance and subject support in maths, science, English, literacy and numeracy Part 2 The school-led system in practice Information correct as at 27/6/17 Information provided by Southfields Teaching School Alliance Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. Information provided by Southfields Teaching School Alliance
A story of school-to-school support The Oxford Academy 2015 and 2016 GCSE results improved so that approx. half of students achieved 5 A*-C including English & maths Significant increase in number of students progressing to university March 2015 Ofsted section 8 monitoring report: “There has been no let-up in the pace of change seen at the inspection. Appropriate actions have already been taken to address the key priorities … The support provided by an experienced headteacher and national leader in education has been invaluable in improving governance and providing support to you.” Nov 2016: Ofsted judged the school to be Good, with ‘effectiveness of leadership and management’ rated as Outstanding. Part 2 The school-led system in practice Information correct as at 27/6/17 Information provided by Southfields Teaching School Alliance Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. Information provided by Southfields Teaching School Alliance
Leadership training and CPD Wandle Teaching School Alliance in Wandsworth – a collaborative learning partnership of 37 educational institutions Through Joint Practice Development Groups, their staff learn together to improve outcomes for young people They deliver NPQs in partnership with UCL’s Institute of Education, and run over 25 CPD courses across a range of topics Part 2 The school-led system in practice Information correct as at 27/6/17 Information provided by Wandle Teaching School Alliance Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. Information provided by Wandle Teaching School Alliance
Singapore maths CPD Chorlton Park in Manchester is a lead primary school for a maths hub in the north west, which is led by Altringham Grammar School for Girls 3 main learning points Subject knowledge Focused questions Same-day intervention Part 2 The school-led system in practice Information correct as at 27/6/17 Information provided by Chorlton Park Primary School Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. “Pinpointing questions to develop further learning … tackling misconceptions and adapting teaching that same day … asking difficult questions to help a child move on with their mathematical knowledge.” Information provided by Chorlton Park Primary School
The school-led system is growing… Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
Growing leadership Part 3 The school-led system – where next? DfE leadership capacity building programmes National professional qualifications (NPQs) Teaching and Leadership Innovation Fund (TLIF) High Potential Middle Leaders programme (HPML) High Potential Senior Leaders programme (HPSL) Equality and Diversity Fund Designated system leader programmes (eg teaching schools) Leadership coaching pledge Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
New NPQs ‘Leading a team’ ‘Leading across a school’ ‘Leading a school’ National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML) – for aspirant and serving middle leaders National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) – for aspirant and serving senior leaders National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) – for aspirant and serving headteachers National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership (NPQEL) – for aspirant and serving executive heads and CEOs ‘Leading a team’ ‘Leading across a school’ ‘Leading a school’ ‘Leading across several schools’ Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
New NPQs 6 content areas – what a leader should know and be able to do Strategy & improvement Teaching & curriculum excellence Leading with impact Working in partnership Managing resources & risks Increasing capability 7 leadership behaviours – how the best leaders operate commitment collaboration personal drive resilience awareness integrity respect Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
System leadership We will continue to designate more system leaders in areas where they are most needed We’ve changed the criteria so that ‘Good’ schools can apply We’ve just concluded a recent application round for NLEs and teaching schools Teaching schools have recruited over 7,700 SLEs Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
Strategic School Improvement Fund £140m to support those schools most in need and ensure more children are in good schools Prevention and intervention Strategic proposals supporting multiple schools In addition to this funding, the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is committed to spending up to £20m over 2 years to scale up and disseminate evidence-based approaches Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
Additional school improvement funding £50m for LAs to monitor & commission school improvement £72m to pilot a series of opportunity areas £41m maths mastery programme £13m regional academy growth fund (RSCs) Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
Teacher Subject Specialism Training (TSST) Purpose of TSST is to improve the subject knowledge of non-specialists and returning teachers School-led training provided free of charge to participants Launched for maths and physics in 2015/16 Expanded to include secondary modern foreign languages in 2016/17 Being delivered by 116 lead schools nationwide in 2016/17 2017/18 TSST application round closed 26 April 2017. Schools have recently been informed of the outcome of their application and successful schools attending start-up meetings this week Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. More information:
Other NCTL programmes Leadership Equality and Diversity Fund support for under-represented groups 58 projects approved for funding in 2016/17 Women Leading in Education leadership coaching pledge and 9 new school-led regional networks Maths hubs 30 out of 35 Maths hubs are teaching schools now in their third year and already leading transformational change in maths education Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. Equality and Diversity 58 projects approved for funding for 2016/17. Approximately 1100 places allocated nationally Targeted Support Fund (TSF) 9 regional projects approved for funding in 2016/17. Approximately 950 places allocated across the 9 regions School-led research and development Workload Challenge: Funding for schools 11 schools have received funding to carry out collaborative research projects into efficient and effective approaches which reduce unnecessary workload. Projects are expected to be completed by Spring 2018. More information
Leading my school … …Leading our schools Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
Part 3 The school-led system – where next? Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL.
Read our blogs: Contact me: @rogerjpope getintoteaching @the_college thenationalcollege @getintoteaching Information correct as at 27/6/17 Please do not publish these slides as the information is updated regularly by the NCTL. If you have any queries please contact in the NCTL. Read our blogs: