Fundamental British Values Staff training October 20th 2015
Objectives To define and explore the four aspects relating to Fundamental British Values Identify key concerns Be aware of, and consider how to overcome, your own unconscious bias Relate the four aspects of FBV to a range of case studies. Analyse current position as a college in relation to OFSTED criteria relating to FBV 2
What does Fundamental British Values mean to you? Think/pair/share/switch 3
Mutual respect and tolerance Four Aspects Democracy The rule of Law Individual Liberty Mutual respect and tolerance Manipulative activity in 3s 4
Promoting Fundamental British Values The term ‘Fundamental British Values’ (FBV) has been around since 2011, but came to the public’s consciousness in the light of the so-called ‘Trojan Horse’ allegations in Birmingham schools in March 2014 In June 2014, Michael Gove announced that all schools and colleges would be required to actively promote ‘Fundamental British Values’ and this would be enforced via the 2015 Ofsted inspection framework Christine Rose Associates 5
What are your concerns about promoting FBV? Write on A3 paper LEGIBLY and pin up around the room. 6
Unconscious Bias 7
Unconscious Bias 8
Unconscious Bias 9
Hoodies clip 10
Acknowledging our own unconscious bias Quiz Do the quiz from the front. No need to write anything down. Just think about it. All to write down one bias they are aware of and then to crumple it up and throw in the bin. 11
Unconscious bias What makes us have these feelings? How can we overcome unconscious bias? Where does unconscious bias come from? Discussion in small groups on each question. Feedback 12
Case Studies – Promoting British values in teaching and learning Read the case study What advice would you give to the tutor on how best to handle this situation? How might this opportunity be used to promote fundamental British values? (Democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance) Give out the case study about the Student from Somalia and ask groups to discuss the above points. Then give out the response and get them to identify which of the British values is being addressed in the margin. 13
Case studies continued Look at the case studies provided. Use the grid to bullet point how you would tackle the situation and note in the margin which of the British values you think you would be promoting. 14
SMSC What does SMSC stand for? Whereabouts is this covered in the Curriculum? Spiritual, moral, social, cultural Do not spend much time on this. Just raise awareness that this is now inspected as part of CIF Should be embedded in every session and dealt with more specifically in Aspire classes. 15
OFSTED Self-assessment task Around the room are various extracts taken from the Ofsted CIF 2015. Discuss in your group where you think we are currently and allocate a grade. 1 = outstanding, 2 = good, 3 = requires improvement, 4 = inadequate Walk and talk 16
Prevent Duty and Fundamental British Values. What do we already do to promote them? What more could we do? Give each curriculum team this sheet. Complete and hand back in. 17
Love has no labels 18 Show this before staff leave the room. 18
Resource bank What is Sufism? Conversation between British women about why they have chosen to wear the Niqab (the veil) Quiz on unconscious bias and short film 19
Objectives To define the four aspects relating to Fundamental British Values. Identify key concerns in a safe environment Be aware of, and consider how to overcome, your own unconscious bias. Relate the four aspects of FBV to a range of case studies Analyse current position as a college in relation to OFSTED criteria relating to FBV 20
Summary Exit pass 21 Post its One positive thing you remember from this session One concern. 21