Look for a note coming home from your child’s teacher BELIEVE IT AND WE WILL ACHIEVE IT! YORKTOWN PROUD! YORKTOWN ELEMENTARY NEWSLETTER Important Dates for April Wed, Apr 5th: Little Caesars pizza fundraiser Fri, Apr 7th: 5th 6wks ends Apr 10-14: Volunteer's week Wed, Apr 12th: Report cards go home Fri, Apr 14: Holiday, no school Mon, Apr 17: Student holiday, no school Wed, Apr 19: Pizza fundraiser due Thurs, Apr 27: 1st Grade field trip Fri, Apr 28: Kinder graduation pictures 2nd Grade field trip Easter Egg Hunt April 13th Look for a note coming home from your child’s teacher letting you know what your child will need to bring that day! Students will hunt eggs and have their Easter party on that day! PRE-K & KINDER EARLY REGISTRATION: Early Registration will be held on Friday, April 21st, from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. We will need the following items in order to register your child… •proof of residence •proof of income •social security card •birth certificate and •current shot record. PPi Principal: Pamela Edwards Counselor: Dina Menn Secretary: Rebecca Broll Pizza Fundraiser begins this month
Your child will be participating in Counselor Corner Family Project This month, we would like you to talk with your child about what he/she would like to be when they grow up. Give them ideas and suggestions! You can put together a poster showing images that go along with the job- this can include the college they plan to attend. The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) will be administered this Spring 2017. For elementary, the STAAR measures the statewide curriculum in Reading at Grades 3-5; Writing at Grade 4; Mathematics at Grades 3-5; and Science at Grade 5. Your child will be participating in the following STAAR testing: Monday, May 8th 3rd & 4th grade MATH 5th grade MATH (retest) Tuesday, May 9th 3rd & 4th grade READING 5th grade READING (retest) Wednesday, May 10th 5th grade SCIENCE Family Reading Night College Day! Wear your college shirts on the first Wednesday of the month!