Coursework Warm-up Project Year 10 Coursework Warm-up Project PROTECTIVE PACKAGING Designing Net Development Modelling CAD Design THEME 1 THEME 2 THEME 3 Assessment Sheet
THEME 1 Design and make protective packaging for a hand held games console or controller. Target User Needs: Must be able to see what you are buying through a transparent section Must be safe and easy to open/close Must hold product securely to avoid damage Should be an exciting and eye-catching shape Could include a method of hanging from a rack in the shop (so easy for shop staff to display) Home
THEME 2 Design and make protective packaging for a men’s or women’s fragrance. Target User Needs: Must be safe and easy to open/close Must hold product securely to avoid damage Must be easy to recycle Should be an exciting and eye-catching shape Could be designed to be reused for another purpose once it is no longer needed to store the glass bottle Home
Home THEME 3 Design and make protective packaging for an Easter Egg. Target User Needs: Must be safe and easy to open/close Must hold product securely to avoid damage Must be easy to recycle Should be an exciting and eye-catching shape Could be designed to be reused for another purpose once it is no longer needed to store the chocolate egg Home
Home Basic Ability Demonstrates Ability Works Competently Designing Assessment Sheet Basic Ability Demonstrates Ability Works Competently Designing Produce one or two simple design ideas using a limited range of skills and techniques including the use of ICT. Using drawing and annotation gives limited details of the design chosen for prototype production. [0-4] Produce creative ideas and communicate these by using appropriate skills and techniques including the use of ICT. Using drawing and annotation communicate adequate details of the design chosen for prototype production. [5-10] - Produce creative and original ideas by generating, developing and communicating designs using appropriate skills and techniques including the use of ICT. - Using drawing and annotation clearly communicate full details of designs. [11-14] Net Development - Demonstrate a simple understanding of how to solve a technical problem as it arises. [0-2] - Demonstrate a practical understanding and ability in solving some technical problems as they arise. [3-4] - Demonstrate a practical and thorough understand and ability in solving technical problems effectively and efficiently as they arise. [5-6] Modelling - Limited modelling of the final prototype. [0-4] - Use modelling to identify problems and consider the suitability of the product for the user. [5-8] - Use modelling to identify problems and make appropriate modifications, assess the suitability of the product considering, in detail, the needs of the user. [9 - 12] CAD Design Select appropriate materials, tools and equipment. Surface graphics demonstrate a basic level of competence. [0-2] Surface graphics are adequate and demonstrate competency. [3-4] Surface graphics are appropriate and demonstrate a high level of competency. [6-8] Home
Designing TASKS: You need to come up with 8-10 different shape designs for your protective packaging. These should be drawn in isometric and you must use an enhancement technique to make your drawings clear and bold. (Draw on A3 sheets; aim for 4-5 designs per page) Number your designs. Compare each design to the Target User Needs on your chosen Task page. Annotate each of your designs to explain how well they meet the User Needs and (any other jobs you think they should do). Use Green for the Good points and Red for the Bad points. Home
Home Net Development TASKS: Draw out your net on A3 cm squared paper, cut it out and fold it together to test that your design works. This net should not be glued together as you’ll need it flat for later. Make a note of any adjustments needed to your net. On the computer draw your net on 2D Design. Use Grid Lock to stick to the nearest CM and Step Lock for the nearest MM. Draw with the line tool, not the shapes. Explode any geometric shapes and and then colour the cut lines Red and the score lines Black. This is so the design can be cut out on the laser cutter. (Make sure that there are no overlapping lines… even if black line is drawn over a red line it will still cut both!) Home
Home Modelling Laser Cutter Settings Example Modelling Sheet TASKS: Cut out your net from 160gsm card on the laser cutter. For setting instructions see right. Glue your net together and take photographs of it from each view, open and closed. Open up the Modeling Template Powerpoint slide from: Faculty/Technology/GRAPHIC PRODUCTS/KS4/Year 10/Protective Packaging. Add the photographs and start to fill in the information. Assess how suitable your design is and consider any improvements that could be made. Make your adjustments and if necessary make a second model. Laser Cutter Settings Example Modelling Sheet Home
Home Laser Cutter Settings Modelling STEP-BY-STEP: * The bed of the laser cutter should be at the right height but if you’re not sure check with your teacher. Open your net drawing in 2D Design. Click on the ‘Print’ icon. Select the BLACK colour. Change the Power to 20% and the Speed to 100%. Click ‘Set Up’.Select the RED colour. Change the Power to 100% and the Speed to 80%. Click ‘Set Up’. Click on the ‘job’ tabs make sure that only the boxes that are ticked are the Vector Black and Vector Red. Click OK and Print then listen for the beeps. Press the Yellow ‘Run’ button on the laser cutter. Home
Modelling Example Modelling Sheet Home
Home CAD Design Sketch Up Skills Example CAD Sheet TASKS: Draw your packaging shape on Sketch Up and add colour. For setting instructions see right. Export views from the front, back and side of your design as well as a view that clearly shows it to be 3D. Save the images as JPEGs. If you have time, open the designs in Photoshop and add surface graphics. Take a look at the CAD Design Example Powerpoint slide from: Faculty/Technology/GRAPHIC PRODUCTS/KS4/Year 10/Protective Packaging. Arrange your own images in the same way. Add dimensions; your net and materials/processes list. Sketch Up Skills Example CAD Sheet Home
Home Sketch Up Skills CAD Design Click on the screenshot below for a link to a sketch up video tutorial. It’s YouTube so you’ll have to access it from home!! Home
CAD Design Example CAD Sheet Home