The Rotary Club of Charlotte 1994-1995 Year in Review Accomplishments and News Member William E. Poe serves as District Governor Support and funding to Oklahoma City Disaster Relief, the Boy Scouts, the Bethlehem Center, UNC Charlotte, Easter Seals, the Girl Scouts Members mentored CMS and CPCC students on career opportunities. 75th anniversary book completed. Distributed plastic Rotary logo bags to motorists to help curb littering The Pledge of Allegiance added to the meeting. E.K. Fretwell, Jr. Club President The Year in News US Air flight 1016 crashes in Charlotte Conference on commercial potential of World Wide Web held in San Francisco World Trade Organization established Memorable Meetings Richard Vinroot, Mayor, City of Charlotte Jeff Mullins, Basketball Coach, UNC Charlotte Wallace Malone, CEO, SouthTrust Bank Jim Hunt, Governor, State of North Carolina Honors Excellence in Leadership: Johnie Jones, J.A. Jones Construction Co. Distinguished Rotarian: Charles A. Hunter