Рычковой Юлией Владиславовной EASTER in the UK Презентация создана учителем иностранного языка МБОУ «СОШ №29» г. Березники Пермский край Рычковой Юлией Владиславовной
Easter eggs
Easter Bunny
Easter Bunny bring and hide Easter eggs.
Bunnies song Here comes the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny. hopping along, singing a bunny song. I love the Easter Bunny. My friend, the Easter Bunny, Here comes the Easter Bunny, hop, hop, hoping along.
Easter cards
Easter basket
Hot cross buns
Запечённый фаршированный ягнёнок
Children find and pick up eggs. Easter egg hunt Children find and pick up eggs.
It’s an egg hunt, An Easter egg hunt It’s an egg hunt, An Easter egg hunt. It’s an egg hunt, An Easter egg hunt. Look in the trees. Look in the grass. Look in the pond. Look in the flowers.
Интернет-источники http://image.newsru.com/pict/id/large/1369009_20110424134420.gif http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_QjLqcP52EC4/S7ZR7wcq1UI/AAAAAAAACS8/4W4xd4xPbOc/s1600/hot-cross-buns.jpg http://dl10.glitter-graphics.net/pub/1051/1051170ystgmgpf0d.gif http://faktovnet.ru/uploads/posts/2011-01/thumbs/1294133017_rabbit_36.jpg http://2006-2009.littleone.ru/attachment.php?s=010e9697f2c44087e994ba76b7d2fcaa&attachmentid=2278046&stc=1&d=1235647528 http://www.myworldtravel.ru/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/images.jpg http://www.velvet.by/files/userfiles/4467/1177697_42291382.jpg http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/foto/c/0/apps/3/233/3233436_easter-eggs-decor-nest3.jpg http://recepti.coolreferat.com/0,1307165673.recpic http://s1138.photobucket.com/user/AlexandrBuccio/media/eastereggs.jpg.html?t=1303664959