Time to get changed! (Pt 2) Ephesians series 2016 - #15 Ephesians 4:25 – 5:2
“Time to get changed” - Ephesians 4:25- 5:2 Stop lying and start telling the truth - v25
“Time to get changed” - Ephesians 4:25- 5:2 Stop lying and start telling the truth - v25 Stop living with anger and just sort it out - v26-27
“Time to get changed” - Ephesians 4:25- 5:2 Stop lying and start telling the truth - v25 Stop living with anger and just sort it out - v26-27 Stop being stealing and start working - v28
“Time to get changed” - Ephesians 4:25- 5:2 Stop lying and start telling the truth - v25 Stop living with anger and just sort it out - v26-27 Stop being stealing and start working - v28 Stop hindering others with your tongue and start encouraging them - v29
“Time to get changed” - Ephesians 4:25- 5:2 Stop lying and start telling the truth - v25 Stop living with anger and just sort it out - v26-27 Stop being stealing and start working - v28 Stop hindering others with your tongue and start encouraging them - v29 Stop grieving the Holy Spirit and start being like Jesus - v30