WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 LIPOR .:. Integrated Waste Management Service of Porto Greater Region € Intervention Area Operational Results Financial Results 8 municipalities 648 km2 985.000 inhabitants 191 workers 5,426 h/trainning Total Production (T) 493.571,36 Mixed Waste79,25% Selective Collection Waste 20,75% Business Volume36.929.781,78 Net Profit 3.162.163,19 Operational Cash-Flow 9.410.638,04 www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
LIPOR .:. Integrated Waste Management Service of Porto Greater Region Efficiency 3.1 T/hour Management of the materials: Paper and Cardboard, Plastic and metallic packages, Glass. SORTING CENTER Waste Processing Capacity: 35.000 tons /year Compost Production 11.000T/year COMPOSTING PLANT Waste Processing Capacity: 60.000 tons/ year Energy Production of 25 MWh Enough to supply energy to a population of about 150 000 inhabitants. FACILITIES WASTE TO ENERGY PLANT Treatment capacity of 1000 Ton/day Materials resulting (ashes and slags), Mixed Waste (plant is maintenance). LANDFILL Receives less than 1% of all MSW www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
LIPOR .:. Integrated Waste Management Service of Porto Greater Region HOME COMPOSTING INCREASE VALUE - PROFIT TILL 2020 DELIVER 20.OOO COMPOSTERS TILL 2020 ACHIEVING 50 MILLION EUROS BV INCREASE RECYCLING RATES Pay As You Throw 50 KG/CITIZEN .:. 35% RECYCLING TILL 2020 Implement 8 Pilot Projects RESEARCH and INNOVATION Municipalities financial equilibrium DEFINE THE FUTURE FOR WASTE SECTOR DEFICIT AROUND 70% ON WASTE MANAGEMENT www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 LIPOR recognizes itself in this new paradigm of circular economy and positioned its approach to add value, allows the maximization of the efficiency processes, products and resources. To think in a creative way, approach situations from different perspectives, find new effective solutions for different kinds of questions, redesign processes, face new challenges in a creative way and change standards are currently essential to achieve personal and organizational success. www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 1 2 3 4 Many times the waste sector faced enormous transformations. Not so many times the waste sector was capable of following, at the same velocity and standards, the industrial and tech sector. Nevertheless, there is a strong demand of resources, due lifestyles of modern societies, and the waste sector adapted and slowly is transforming himself on the Resource Sector. So the question now is not how to deal with the waste we produce but, instead, how to maximize the value of the resources (once called waste) and provide them a real value for the supply chain. To maximize those resources, that managed inconveniently will only be considered waste, it´s necessary to understand the waste/resources generation and management practices. www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
We can argue that even if a producer deposits a paper or cardboard on the mixed waste bin we will take value from it on a WTE plant or landfill but it will not be considered a resource on the principle that the same paper or cardboard will not be included on the production chain of new papers/cardboards. Resuming, even if we take value from a paper on a WTE Plant or Landfill we are not maximizing value as if we address the same paper/cardboard for Recycling.
ONE MILLION DOLLAR QUESTION How can we drive consumer to manage properly their resources? And what kind of mechanisms do we need to developed to do it so? TIP. It´s not Michel Angelo “Adam´s Creation”
We do not know the answer WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 We do not know the answer but We know that now, more than ever, we are more close to citizens, more connected to citizens, more InTouch and reachable, we have a more educated and Hi-tech society and, most of all, a more exigent community. Maybe it´s not so very good news for some…but is, indeed an opportunity for others. www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
Intelligent waste collections WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 We define 5 vectors We consider important to study and develop in order to achieve Lipor Goals and drive Citizens Intelligent Bins Intelligent Data Intelligent Compost Intelligent waste collections Intelligent Citizens and creating conditions for a Green Smart City www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
Intelligent waste collections WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 5 vectors BINS RFID in Bins for Households; User Identification in Collective Bins; Nannosensors in Home Composters; Creating the conditions to make PAYT Effective. DATACENTER Manage all the Data from Bins; Data Mining; Recycling Potential Growth; Optimized Waste Collections; CITIZENS App´s so they can be part of solution; So they can know and act on their behaviour; Intelligent Bins Intelligent waste collections Intelligent Data Intelligent Compost Intelligent Citizens www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
5 vectors WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 Intelligent Bins Public Bins with User Identification MERCADO INTELIGENTE .:. INTELLIGENT MARKET 5 M3 Underground Bins with Double Chamber System and User Identification – RFID Card; Management WebPortal and User Portal; Include Award System – attribution of gifts with the Separation of Recyclables; 393 Clients; NANNOSENSORS Start Pilot Project and we are receiving the first data…looks promisor. Intelligent Data www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
5 vectors WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 Data Center Ready and Effective in June 2017 Receiving Information from More than 60.000 RFID Bins; 5 Intelligent Bins; 25 Waste Collection Vehicles; Hopefully 100 Composters; In June 2018 More than 120.000 RFID Bins; 2 Payt Projects; 25 Intelligent Bins; Around 50 Waste Collection Vehicles; …and a lot of composters; Intelligent Data www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
? What about the Citizens WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 Intelligent Data www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
Ecoshop and Recycling Uber App´s for Waste Collection; WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 Give us a credit…we didn´t forgot! Ecoshop and Recycling Uber App´s for Waste Collection; Waste Gamification; Green Waste Collections; Compost as a Service; Re-use App; Waste OLX; Intelligent Data www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
WASTEMANAGEMENT4.0 futur! Our Intelligent Bins will interact with irrigations systems; noise and air quality; The Composting Strategy (Industrial Composting, Home Composting and Compost Selling) will supported in IoT and sold it as Pas (Product as a Service); Pay As You Throw will be for all Municipalities (and not just pilot areas) supported in IT and Data; To Support Citizens there will be online supporting and Intelligent Centres; Anyone, Anywhere can be participating and awarded by their good practices on Waste Management; This will be futur in 3 years! www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt
www.lipor.pt I paulo.rodrigues@lipor.pt