The Youth Empowerment and Innovation Project (YEIP) Monday, April 10th 2017 Athens
Ιdentity KMOP’s main areas of expertise include: KMOP is one of the oldest Greek NGOs with more than 35 years of accumulated experience in the provision of services to disadvantaged groups. KMOP’s main areas of expertise include: social welfare and health employability and human rights protection, scientific research development of know-how in social policy issues.
Target groups Persons with disabilities (mainly mental); Long term unemployed and individuals with low typical skills; Elderly; Victims of violence and trafficking; Children and youth at risk; Families facing various challenges (e.g. single-parented families, families living below poverty line) Migrants, asylum seekers and unaccompanied minors.
Αctivities Direct provision of services through decentralized community based facilities: Three Mental Health Rehabilitation Centres (Group Houses) for people with severe mental disorders. The services provided include housing, therapeutic and nursing services, social skills-training, regular medical examinations, education and vocational training. Day Care Centre offers support to people, aged between 20 and 50 years old, with moderate but chronic mental disorders that are facing social exclusion and marginalization. KMOP is actively involved in both national and EU/international projects addressing social issues KMOP has extensive experience and expertise in the fields of research and analysis social policy development and recommendation, youth, and education and training deriving both from its highly-skilled expert staff and the more than 80 national, European and international projects it has led and/or implemented over the years.
Network with other organisations KMOP is a member of international and national networks: COFACE (Confederation of Family Organisations in the European Union) COFACE –HANDICAP Greek Platform for Development EAPN Greece (European Anti Poverty Network) EPA (European Parents’ Association) ATD Fourth World ENOPF (European Network for One-Parent Families) European Childcare Network KMOP is also represented in the Council of Europe - Section of Family Affairs.
KMOP projects similar to YEIP Research and analysis Institutional and regulatory framework impact assessment “CITISPYCE” (FP7 Programme): The project has been devised against the back drop of research which shows the disproportionate impact of the global economic crisis on young people across Europe, including excessively high rates of youth unemployment. “GATE” (EC- DG Home Affairs): Main activities of this project in which KMOP was fully involved included the assessment of guardianship systems in the 4 participating EU countries; definition of a set of national and EU key indicators on how to better prevent and protect separated children from trafficking; enhancement of National and EU policies through assessment and concrete recommendations and proposals; qualification and strengthening of the competencies of guardians and stakeholders at EU level. Policy Development/Recommendations “Support to the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare” (EuropeAid): The overall objective of this TA project led by KMOP is to support governmental institutions at central and local level towards the quality improvement of social service delivery in Kosovo and the effective decentralisation of social services in Kosovo towards those persons of Kosovo most in need. “IMPACT” (EC- DG Home Affairs): the project aim was to improve and enhance child protection and child welfare policies’ impact in better preventing and protecting particularly vulnerable categories of children from trafficking and exploitation. The main elements of this project, led by KMOP, involved analysis and research, empowerment and capacity building, support to policy and strategy assessment and development “RESILAND” (EC / DG Home Affairs): overall objective of the project was reinforcing the participation, capacities and resilience of Children on the Move as key dimensions of their effective protection from human trafficking and exploitation. Among other key activities of the project, included research and analysis, development of training materials, implementation of training and seminars, a set of policy standards to enhance participation, Key activities of the project included examination of the current state of the art concerning social innovation against inequalities faced by young people, exploration of socially innovative practices, testing the transferability of local models of innovative practice for the development of new policy approaches. Among others, the services provided are largely focused in the provision of policy advice and preparation of legal documents and administrative instructions
KMOP’s role and responsibilities in the project Overall, KMOP will be the key expert partner for Greece and the national contact point for the project. KMOP will be the Researcher for the project in Greece and will be leading on the national field trials and other primary research and findings’ analysis/triangulation. KMOP (which will be supported in specific activities by KEYNS) will be responsible of the implementation of the project activities in Greece: policy recommendations development, development of webinars, development of the unified PREVENT model and best practice guide, advocacy meetings, transnational meetings and conferences, dissemination and exploitation activities etc KMOP will be responsible for the operational and financial management of its own work and together with IARS ensure allocated budget is not exceeded and to maintain an accurate account on monies spent. Key activities of the project included examination of the current state of the art concerning social innovation against inequalities faced by young people, exploration of socially innovative practices, testing the transferability of local models of innovative practice for the development of new policy approaches. Among others, the services provided are largely focused in the provision of policy advice and preparation of legal documents and administrative instructions
Thank you for your attention!