JobTracker Live Resources
Calendar & Activity Packets Business Goals Clearly communicate daily & weekly responsibilities to individuals & teams Work more efficiently by eliminating distractions & highlighting important details Save time & reduce errors Technical Objectives Create a variety of different calendars by changing Display Type, Colors or Activities Show Subtotals on your Calendar (for square feet, # slabs, $, etc.) Filter your calendar by a Custom Job Field, Form Field or Activity Status Map Activities and group by Assignee Customize Activity Packets and include attached files
Your JobTracker Account Job
Account Job Phase Activities Forms Files
Account Job Phase Activities Forms Files
Most Calendars look like this… Lots of information here, clearly works for a lot of people a lot of the time… but it does limit some of what you can do. For example, if you were person in charge of scheduling Installs… can’t see without scrolling and hard to focus. Similarly, if you work in the shop, you probably don’t need the address information and would rather see just what’s on your calendar for the next couple days.
There’s no perfect calendar
What makes a good Calendar View? Who will be using it? Where will they be looking at it? What device? What task are they trying to complete? What do they need to see?
Install Calendar Is it for the person who schedules the Installs or person who does the installing? Where will they be looking at it? What device? What task are they trying to complete? What do they need to see? Who is it for: the scheduler or the Intallers. They might want to see different details.
Remove what you don’t need Who is it for: the scheduler or the Intallers. They might want to see different details.
Start with the Options Button
Select Activity Type – Install
Clear fields & select only fields needed
Install Calendar So now these are our settings [calendar] and the calendar is much easier to read. [arrow]
Change the Shape – Display Type
Show only Installers & Unassigned
Show Sq Ft on Calendar
Show Sq Ft on Calendar
Show Sq Ft on Calendar
Now we can drag/drop
Charlie’s Calendar Daily Fabrication To Do List Show #slabs needed for each Job Show only Jobs at our Dallas location
Start from an existing View
What are we looking at?
Color Activities By – Form
Add Subtotal #Slabs
Filter by Location
Filter by Location
Fabrication To Do List – Dallas
Template Schedule (for the Scheduler) Quick review: we’re looking at Template Calendar with Shape: Day & Assignee by Time.
Drag & Drop
Mapping Activities
Launches Google Maps
Maps by Assignee
Show/Hide Assignee
Activity Packets
Confirm Details
Page Breaks
Choose Packet (set up in advance)
Compiled Activity Packets
For each Activity on the Calendar
Include Open/Urgent Issues
Include CounterGo Quote Drawing
Include Attached Files (but only the ones you want)
Mobile Devices
Calendar Settings
Activity Packets
Activity Packets – Filter by Activity Type
Filter Attached Files
Label Attached Files
Create a File Custom Field
Activity Packet – Shop Packet
Activity Packet Calendar Printable Form