Strategy and Vision for Sustainable Development of Nautical Tourism: Croatian Perspective in the International Context.
Croatia advantage: Sustainability Clean Sea Beautiful Coast Marine Environment Stunning marine environment Marine biology (576 fish species) Sustainability: quality tourism based on sustainable development, ecological diversity, flora and fauna 2
Airports Major International Airports: Zagreb, Pula, Zadar, Split, Dubrovnik National carrier: Croatia Airlines Majority of European routes are directed towards Zagreb, Pula, Zadar, Split and Dubrovnik Zagreb Airport - new terminal (construction started 2014)
Nautical Tourism 1.244 islands, rocks and reefs 600 lighthouses & lights 98 nautical ports 57 marinas and 13 land marinas and 17.000 berths 3.647 charter vessels, highest number in the world 200 crewed yachts & small cruises 640.000 nautical tourists 2,9 million charter overnights Objective: to implement the “Nautical tourism development strategy” 2009-2019 which comprises: new marinas and anchorages, more boaters and vessels triple the income from nautical tourism to 2 billion EUR High potential in marine charter and cruising on small/traditional ships Also offered charters with crew – usually highest quality, for demanding guests who want to enjoy all that Adriatic and its islands has to offer Objective - 2020: Increase berths to 30.000
COMPETITIVENESS Attractive and environmentally preserved coastline ADVANTAGES DISADVATAGES Attractive and environmentally preserved coastline Nautical infrastructure Beauty and purity of the sea Legislation Climate conditions Additional offer (gastronomy, sport, leasure, shopping...) Tradition Week public – privat partnership Feel of security
COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF CROATIA Croatia has been rated better than competing countries (Spain, France, Italy, Greece and Turkey) when it comes to all aspects of beauty and the preservation of nature, climate, purity of the seas and coasts, as well as social elements - security, hospitality and image of the country. Better than the competition, the spatial layout of the marina was also assessed. Nautical (charter offer, availability of transit berths and marina facilities) and catering offerings were rated worse compared to Spain, France and Italy. The value for money of the total nautical offer was rated better in Croatia only compared to Italy.
Luke nautičkog turizma Hrvatska i konkurentske mediteranske destinacije MARINAS MOORINGS ANCHORAGE/MOORINGS CROATIA 57 22 456 38 FRANCE 370 200.000 60.000 GREECE 22 8.100 1.200 ITALY 429 156.606 - SPAIN 360 130.000 1.500 TURKEY 67 30.000 13.500
NAUTICAL INFRASTRUCTURE NAUTICAL PORTS (MARINAS) → 57 marinas, 13 land marinas, 17.454 moorings, 14.396 permanently moored vessels (10.494 foreign flaged vessels) → new regulation regarding Croatian accession to EU: Croatia stoped being tax free destination for vessels owned by EU citizens → despite that fact there is a need for much more moorings in marinas, especially for large yachts ANCHORAGES → more then 400 natural bays for sailors of wich are only a few of them commercialized (10%) → we have to be very careful with future commercialization of anchorages PUBLIC PORTS → 333 ports open to public traffic, 6 of which are of national significance and 297 ports have county and local importance → public ports are operated by one of the 6 State port authorities or one of the 22 County port authorities → public ports presents great potential in nautical moorings TOURIST MOORINGS → there is a need for the legalization of large number of illegal moorings situated infront of the restaurants, hotels or camps → legislation are yet to be adopted
NAUTICAL PRODUCTS YACHT CHARTER BAREBOAT CHARTER – the most competitive nautical product; Croatia is worlds leading bareboat charter destination with more then 3.600 charter vessels in offer , in 692 charter companies CREWED YACHT CHARTER – nautical product with the greatest potential for growth in future especially after harmonization with EU legislation and market liberalization CRUISING TRADITIONAL WOODEN SHIPS & MODERN STEEL SHIPS – great potential for growth; entire fleet of small cruisers (12-50 passengers) has app. 2.500 beds and is growing DAILY EXCURSIONS TRADITIONAL WOODEN SHIPS & MODERN STEEL SHIPS – daily excursions are the first nautical product in Croatia with long tradition NAUTICAL SPORTS SCUBA DIVING – the greatest potential among nautical sports thanks to warm, shallow and clear sea as well as attractive diving locations (many well preserved wreks); unfortunately the real potential of diving turism hasn’t been recognized by authorities SAILING, SURF, WINDSURF, KITESURF, SEA KAYAK, WATER SKI... – the most undeveloped nautical product with huge space for developing
KEY STAKEHOLDERS GOVERNMENT PUBLIC SECTOR PRIVATE SECTOR MINISTRY OF MARITIME AFFAIRS, TRAFFIC AND INFRASTRUCTURE MINISTRY OF TOURISM PUBLIC SECTOR CROATIAN NATIONAL TOURIST BOARD LOCAL GOVERNMENT → Counties, Cities, Municipalities LOCAL TOURIST BOARDS → County, City, Municipalities STATE PORT AUTHORITIES & COUNTY PORT AUTHORITIES HARBOURMASTER OFFICES CROATIAN SHIPPING REGISTER, NATIONAL PARKS and many other state and local agencies PRIVATE SECTOR nautical ports (marinas), anchorages, charter companies, privat boat owners, travel agencies, sailing schools, nautical sports providers, rent a boat... POOLING CROATIAN CHAMBER OF ECONOMY CROATIAN EMPLOYERS’ ASSOCIATION OTHER PROFFESIONAL ASSOCIATIONS Associations whitin CCE: → Marinas → Charter Companies → Private Boat Owners → Diving Tourism → Adventure Tourism Associations whitin CEA: → Small Shipbuilding and Nautical Tourism Association Mainly local associations
Nautical Tourism Development Strategy 2009 - 2019 Addopted in year 2008 by Croatian Government after long public debate: 1st step: Inventarization 2nd step: Identification of problems and potential threats 3rd step: Defining the development vision and strategic goals 4th step: Creating Action plan for Strategy implementation 5th step: Implementation of Strategy Action plan STRATEGIC GOALS: → Sustainable resource use and management (sustainable development) → Rehabilitation, reconstruction and renewal of existing ports (historical urban ports, military and nautical ports) → New moorings: 5.000 in existing ports, 5.000 in new ports (marinas), 5.000 places ashore → Increasing ecological standards (vessels and ports) → Setting up integral management for nautical tourism system → Administrative procedure simplification and legislation harmonisation → Setting up continuous education system for participants in nautical tourism → Increase income of nautical tourism: 700 mil EUR (2007.) → 2 bil EUR (2018) IMPLEMENTATION: → There is a problem with implementation of strategic goals, especially when we are talking about administrative procedure simplification, legislation harmonisation and creating a new moorings → Crusial problem and key for future development: (NEW) Law on maritime domain and sea ports
Tourism Development Strategy 2013 - 2020 Addopted in year 2013 by Croatian Parliament after long public debate: 1st step: Inventarization 2nd step: Identification of problems and potential threats 3rd step: Defining the development vision and strategic goals 4th step: Creating Action plan for Strategy implementation 5th step: Implementation of Strategy Action plan STRATEGIC GOALS (NAUTICAL TOURISM): → nautical tourisam has been recognized as the most competitive Croatian tourism product as well as one of the few leading Croatian tourism products → Nautical Tourism Development Strategy goals and Action plan has been integrated in the Tourism Development Strategy IMPLEMENTATION: → It is too early for any comment about Strategy implementation but it is clear that Ministry of tourism is on the right track → Nautical tourism: crusial problem and key for the future development → (NEW) Law on maritime domain and sea ports
MARINAS IN CROATIA Croatia has 57 marinas, which are all united in the Association of Croatian marinas, capacity 17,351 berths and 8500 seats on the mainland and another 30,000 berths in the ports and sports harbour. Marinas are located in big cities or in the Dalmatian island's beautiful bays close to most interesting natural and cultural attractiveness.
In charge of the Mediterranean’s largest chain of marinas, Croatia’s leading boating tourism company is the first choice of boaters from all over the world and an ideal starting point for embarking on new adventures 22 ACI yacht marinas
CHARTER CROATIA 2016. 3 647 YACHTS 692 charter companies 69 680 Embarkation /leases 454 047 arrivals 2.996 817 nights
DEGREE OF CHARTER GUESTS IN CROATIA Beauty of nature VERY HIGH Personal security Gastronomic offer Staff service hospitality Modern vessels in good condition HIGH Receptions in marinas and charter base Traffic access to the port of departure Orderliness and cleanliness in marinas Value for money MEDIUM Availability of moorings Shopping and entertement in the destination - LOW
BOAT TYPE AND EMBARKATION Sailboat 77 % Motor boat 23 % Rent a boat without a skipper 70 % Rent a boat with a skipper 29 % Charter fleet 1 % A GUEST IN A CHARTER HAS AN INCOME OF 3 500 €
AVERAGE DAILY EXPENSES OF NAUTICAL GUEST TOTAL CHARTER THE OTHERS TOTAL IN € 100 161 68 COSTS FOR THE VESSEL Rent a vessel Skipper hire Mooring Fuel/oil Other costs 122 88 5 12 16 1 35 11 19 ANOTHER EXPENSES Restaurants 21 18 Shopping 13 enterteiment 4
_ NAUTICAL TOURISM: MAKING CROATIA THE Nº1 DESTINATION IN THE WORLD Deliver high quality experiences at tourism destinations Improve profitability: user spends 30% more than average Key to overcome tourism seasonality Build a strong case for cooperation among destinations Create wealth and better jobs for coastal communities Promote healthier lifestyles among the younger ones
Thanks for attention Ivan Soža, president of Croatia Chamber of Commerce Šibenik – Knin County