Jacob White and Andrew Keller Gazebo Jacob White and Andrew Keller
Top-Level Flow Diagram ROS Gazebo Worlds and Models xacro xacro.py urdf / sdf Rendering Object-Oriented Graphics Rendering Engine (OGRE) Gazebo ROS Gazebo Client Gazebo Server Vision Camera Stream Camera Plugin /camera Images Home Controller Commanded Velocity Soccer Drive Plugin Physics Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) /home1/command Forces /home2/command Away Controller /away1/command /away2/command Forces Soccer Ball Plugin
Robot Description Formats URDF Legacy Format Usually used by ROS SDF Newer More flexible Xacro XML Macros Use with URDF or SDF
Worlds SDF, URDF, or Xacro file describing world Physics Properties Static Models Lighting World Plugins
Models Complete robot or any other physical object SDF, URDF, or Xacro file describing model Pose (xyz, rpy, or quaternions) Link Inertia Collision Visual Joint Plugins Sensors, Motor Controllers, etc
Meshes 3D models Materials Collision vs. Visual Blender Google Sketchup 123 Design Many others Materials Collision vs. Visual Export to Collada (DAE) format to use in ROS
Launch Files Convert xacro files to urdf and sdf Launch Gazebo ROS Spawn robots using urdf or sdf description Launch Files Worlds and Models xacro xacro.py urdf / sdf Gazebo ROS
Plugins Sensors Control Camera Laser Scanner Ros Control (PID) Planar Move Soccer Drive Soccer Ball
Complete Simulator