Congressional Outlook for Indian Water Rights Settlements WSWC/NARF Symposium
Settlement Approval Challenges Price tag skepticism Bishop Process Procedural Hurdles (e.g., OMB Approval) Disparate Treatment of Indian and Non-Indian Water Settlements on HNR
Overcoming Challenges in Congress Engagement with Indian country allies on Capitol Hill (Both Rep. and Dem.) Cultivating New Champions (50+ new House Members every Congress) Consistent Message Communication Trust Obligations History of Failure Legal Exposure for Taxpayers (Breach of Trust Claims) Historically Settlements = Net-Benefit for Taxpayers
Good Messengers Tribes (“Suit Up and Show Up” – Chairman Aguilar) Governors’ Offices Tribal Organizations (e.g. NARF, NCAI)
Infrastructure Package Possible Vehicle Opportunity to Advocate for Indian country to get fair share of federal infrastructure investment
Wrapping it All Up Despite Challenging Environment in Congress, Settlement Approval is Possible Will require persistence, good communication, and engagement with allies on Capitol Hill in both parties