Biodiversity Chapter 5 Jeopardy! Mrs.Schuckers / Rogic Make sure to study the study guide, PowerPoints, labs, worksheets, and any discussions we had in class!
List the three types of biodiveristy! Species diversity Genetic diversity Ecosystem diversity List the three types of biodiveristy!
List 3 reasons why biodiversity is so important! 1. Economic value to humans Plants and animals provide us food, clothing, energy, medicine, and shelter 2. Source of desirable genes for the future ex: If crops have little genetic diversity and all of them are lacking resistance to disease, disease could wipe them out Genetic engineering! 3. Medicines come from various plants/organisms
Define mass extinction - Mass extinction: a large percentage of living species going extinct in a relatively short period of time DINOSAURS!
What is overexploitation? Include example! Overexploitation: Excessive use of species that have economic value Ex: White rhinoceros = extinct Hunted for their horns, which were sold for medicinal purposes
List 4 natural resources … GO! All materials and organisms found in the biosphere, including minerals, fossil fuels, nuclear fuels, plants, animals, soil, clean water, clean air, and solar energy.
There are 12 blades of grass. Each contain 5 PPM of DDT There are 12 blades of grass. Each contain 5 PPM of DDT. Each level eats evenly. How much DDT will the hawk consume? ANSWER = 60 PPM of DDT 6 3 1
Which of the following is a direct benefit of biodiversity? Faster Erosion Rates Greater amounts of rainfall Improved Soil Fertility for crops Decreased Carbon Dioxide emissions
If a disturbance were to occur in an ecosystem, which of the following ecosystems would be vulnerable to extinctions? Island Ecosystem Continental Ecosystems Marine Ecosystems Tropical Ecosystems
What is a way we can restore an ecosystem? Biological Augmentation Bioremediation - Using sustainable resources - Creating reservations and national parks Etc…
What causes eutrophication? Excess fertilizer
Acid rain falls in the form of what types of acid? Nitric and Sulfuric Acid
Which of the following would be most effective in slowing the loss of biodiversity? freezing fertilized eggs of endangered animals in case the species become extinct in the wild setting aside small plots of land in a variety of ecosystems, such as forests, grasslands, and marshes creating large parks/preserves in biodiversity hotspots requiring every country to maintain a seed bank
All of the following are consequences of human pollution except ________. A. Loss of habitat B. Eutrophication C. Invasive species D. Acid precipitation
The extinction rate of terrestrial (land) and freshwater species is currently higher than the extinction rate of marine species. What is the most likely reason for this? A. Human activities have a greater impact on terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems B. There are no economic incentives for humans to use ocean resources C. Marine organisms have had a longer time to adapt to their environment. D. The oceans have a greater area than land and freshwater ecosystems combined.
DDT, Mercury, and PCB’s get stored in the fat of an organism when injested. This is an example of … Eutrophication Acid Precipitation Biomagnification Bioaccumulation
Which of the following organisms would be expected to have the highest concentration of mercury pollution in its tissues? primary producers such as aquatic plants, phytoplankton, and algae B. primary consumers, such as zooplankton C. the tertiary consumers, such as tuna and sharks. D. the secondary consumers, such as sardines and herring
The use of microorganisms to degrade chemical pollutants is called... Introduced Species Biological Augmentation Biomagnification Bioremediation
Which is the renewable energy source? Burning of coal Growing of corn Propane Gas Grill Solar panels on a house
Pharmaceuticals and agriculture products are examples of….. Direct Economic Value Indirect Economic Value Sustainable Use Habitat Destruction
The removing of wolves from Yellowstone National Park caused…. Overexploitation of other species Destruction of the entire habitat The habitat to become fragmented Disruption of the entire habitat
Eutrophication is caused by runoff containing nutrients that does what to kill fish in a lake? Algae overproduce and use all the oxygen, so fish and other organisms die. Algae overproduce and crowd out fish and other species Fish overproduce and eat all possible sources of food then starve Fertilzer is toxic to fish, so they injest it, and die
List at least 3 renewable and nonrenewable resources! Solar energy Wind energy Hydropower Biomass Geothermal energy Nonrenewable: Fossil fuels Crude Oil Nuclear fuels (uranium) Propane List at least 3 renewable and nonrenewable resources!