ANNUAL WORK PLAN RECOMMENDED HARVEST OFF-TAKE RATES Doro !Nawas WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT & UTILISATION PLAN VISION To sustainably manage & use wildlife & natural resources for the purpose bettering the quality of life of the residing community (socially, economically, environmentally and culturally) & to achieve the self-sufficiency of the conservancy ANNUAL WORK PLAN 1st Quarter 2nd 3rd 4th Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Law enforcement Conduct regular patrols Gather intelligence Undertake road blocks (ad hoc) Conduct joint MET/Conservancy anti-poaching activities Wildlife management - general Make inventory of water points Wildlife management - Game counts Hold planning meeting - routes & dates set up Define logistics, identify participants, conduct training Conduct game count Update wildlife population trend charts Wildlife utilisation Conduct planning meeting - quota setting Meet MET for quota approval Advertise tender for trophy hunting Secure trophy hunting contract Plan own-use hunting & train hunters conduct own-use hunts Distribute meat Obtain reports from all hunts Compile/obtain annual trophy hunting report Human-wildlife conflict Investigate incidents Communications Hold monthly Event Book meeting Present wildlife report to management meetings Present wildlife report to AGM Display wildlife information for members Conduct Event Book audit Order new Event Book materials OBJECTIVES: HOW TO ACHIEVE THEM: 1 To increase the number of wildlife species & re-establish locally extinct species Law enforcement Water management Game introductions 2 To manage human-wildlife conflict Land-use zonation to separate wildlife from human activities Prevention activities 3 To involve & increase Community understanding of wildlife management & benefits Reduction in human-wildlife conflict Improved communications Monitoring results & wildlife value/benefits shown to community 4 To obtain real benefits from sustainable utilisation Harvesting Trophy hunting Tourism Improved meat handling & distribution 5 To control wildlife numbers in relation to veld conditions, climate changes & competition with livestock & rare wildlife species Adaptive management activities 6 To manage wildlife populations using good data from appropriate monitoring systems Use of the Event Book System WILDLIFE POPULATION THRESHOLDS Conservancy size = 407,000 ha. To better visualise population numbers, imagine a 5000ha farm and calculate densities of the population for this farm by dividing the estimate by 80. This give a standard index - Numbers per 5000ha farm – which is easy to understand in practical terms. Compare the density of what you have with the densities in the last column of the table above. If greater, then that species has reached its threshold and can be harvested at higher off-take rates (see table above). SPECIES APPROXIMATE PRESENT POPULATION DESIRED POPULATION DENSITY INDEX (No/5000 ha farm) Elephant 30 40 1/2 Rhino Rare ( 3 *) 1/3 Springbok 8000 100 Gemsbok 1400 3200 Zebra 500 1000 13 Kudu 200 1600 20 Duiker rare Steenbok 400 800 10 Ostrich Giraffe 80 1 Klipspringer 160 2 Eland - 240 3 Impala (BF) 49 * Hartebeest 185 * Note: * = animals introduced RECOMMENDED HARVEST OFF-TAKE RATES Off-take rates & types of off-take change as desired population densities are reached # Only males will be hunted until desired population sizes are reached ## Females may be harvested once desired population sizes have been reached Before Desired Population Size Reached After Desired Population Size Reached Species Trophy (%) Other use (%)# Other use (%)## Baboon 2% - Caracal 1 animal/yr Elephant Don’t hunt unless very old, in poor condition & only in consultation with MET & neighbours Gemsbok 3% 15% Giraffe 1% 5% Jackal 10 animals/yr Impala (BF) Never 10% (capture only) Klipspringer Kudu 10% Leopard Ostrich S Hyaena Springbok 20% Steenbok Zebra 8% Supported by: WWF Norway Norad ICEMA