Donor Coordination Process Water and Sanitation Sector Working Group 11 November 2008 Department of Strategy and Donor Coordination
Paris Declaration and donor coordination process in Albania Water Supply and Sanitation sector as part of NSDI/EAOD Donor database and the status of Water Supply and Sanitation sector Next steps Department for Strategy and Donor Coordination, Nov 2008
2008 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration Albania Progress, Priority Actions, and Challenges Dimensions 2005 2007 Challenges Priority Actions Ownership Moderate Moderate-High Realistic translation of priorities into budgetary terms Fully implement National Strategy for Development and Integration Alignment Low Low-Moderate Limited used of national systems, low reporting of aid in budget Step up donor use of public financial management systems, improve data on aid disbursements Harmonisation Limited use of programme-based approaches Develop sector-wide approaches in additional sectors Managing for results Lack of capacity at ministry and local level Mainstream national monitoring and evaluation framework Mutual accountability Lack of formal mutual accountability mechanism Finalise Harmonisation Action Plan and ensure it includes a monitoring system
2008 Survey on Monitoring the Paris Declaration Albania’s Overall progress against 2010 targets Progress has been made in three dimensions: Ownership Alignment, and Harmonisation 2010 targets have been met for only two indicators: Indicator 4 on coordinated technical cooperation; Indicator 8 on untying aid For the remaining indicators: Progress has been made against some indicators, Significant gaps need to be filled to meet 2010 targets for others.
Paris Declaration and Accra Agenda for Action Priority actions for progress against 2010 targets Substantial efforts required by the government and donors to improve: use of country systems predictability of aid use of PBA/SWAp and results-oriented frameworks Donors should increase the use of : joint donor missions, Country Analytical Work and evaluations; development of joint country assistance strategies; Decrease the number of the PIUs - at least 24 parallel structures continue to be used by donors. SWGs to serve as the forums for further development in these areas
Albania has one the lowest level of access to water supply compared to other European countries, especially in the rural areas. The financing of water and sanitation infrastructure by the budget is shared between MPWTT and local government units Domestic sources for public investment under this programme has exceed €26.1 million in 2008 investments in water and sanitation, a competitive grant to local government units, and counterpart financing to external assistance projects. Department for Strategy and Donor Coordination, Nov 2008
Laboratories for periodical monitoring of water quality Central capacity in monitoring the impact from the implementation of reforms across utilities: metering, collection rates, business plans Training staff of water utilities in the municipalities on the use of new technology Laboratories for periodical monitoring of water quality Establish a computer-based billing and collection system in water utilities Establish an incentive-based supervision scheme for meter reading and collection Department for Strategy and Donor Coordination, Nov 2008
Complete the transformation of the water enterprises into commercial companies Introduce performance-based subsidy policy to encourage utilities to recover costs Merging water utilities to reach an optimal number that would encourage private sector investment Investment in urban and rural areas, where access indicators are very low or there is substantial need for renovation of the existing networks Prepare a medium-term capital investment programme based on a national master plan Department for Strategy and Donor Coordination, Nov 2008
Department for Strategy and Donor Coordination, Nov 2008
Department for Strategy and Donor Coordination, Nov 2008
Department for Strategy and Donor Coordination, Nov 2008
Target 17: Reduce the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water and proper sewage infrastructure Indicators Source 2002 2003 2004 2005 2007 Targets 2015 Population with access to safe drinking water (%) INSTAT 69 75.4 na 71 78.4 98 Population with access to improved sanitation (%) 63.8 68.3 70.8 76.2 95 Department for Strategy and Donor Coordination, Nov 2008
updating regularly the database Joint donor efforts and pooled funding to ensure that necessary resources are available and technical assistance is effectively coordinated in the sector. updating regularly the database Progress Report on External Assistance will be prepared next year with the aim of being a guide for the donor and GoA priority match Sector level working groups revitalized and formalized under Government leadership are the basis for further development of PBA/SWAp in the sector Different coordination mechanisms will continue to be used by the GoA and the donor community /Donor Technical Secretariat in order to coordinate their activities: the Donor Roundtables at the level of the heads of agencies, development and Integration partners meetings and the sector working groups (SWG). Department for Strategy and Donor Coordination, Nov 2008
Department for Strategy and Donor Coordination, Nov 2008