Warm Up: Why do you think the artists painted these pictures Warm Up: Why do you think the artists painted these pictures? What kind of lifestyle did they lead? What did they eat and how did they support themselves?
Evolution or Creation? The law says evolution so lets go for it! Early Man Evolution or Creation? The law says evolution so lets go for it!
Hominids Humans and humanlike creatures Anthropologists study their remains and can figure out what they looked like and how they lived
Artifacts Objects made and used by early hominids Tools, clothing, works of art, weapons, and toys limited evidence
Culture Set of beliefs, knowledge, and pattern of living that the group develops.
Lucy Found by Donald Johanson Female hominid who lived 3 million years ago Named after the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Mary Leakey Found a skeleton dating back 3.7 million years Australopithecus or Southern Ape These walked upright
Early Humans Powerful jaws, receding chins, low foreheads, and heavy eyebrow ridges Ate seeds, fruits, nuts, plants Eventually hunted, migrated from Africa
Neanderthal People Early Homo Sapiens Wore animal skins for clothes Used fire for warmth and cooking Used more efficient tools than earlier man They buried their dead with meat and tools
Cro-Magnons Another Kind of Homo Sapien Appeared in Europe Made better tools and weapons. Threw spears and were effective hunters Cave Paintings (starter) Migrated to Northern Asia and Australia Disappeared 10,000 years ago
The Agricultural Revolution Agriculture: The raising of crops for food Domestication: The taming of animals such as cattle, goats, sheep and pigs New Stone Age
Hunter – Gatherers Men went out to hunt animals Women remained near the campsite to care for children Women and children also gathered plants and fruit for food
Neolithic Agricultural Revolution People learned to raise wheat, barley, rice, and millet Invented plow and fertilizer Revolutionized human life Settlements shifted to agriculture Villages grew into cities