Carousel – 4 Practices – Rotate Your Players Around Them (Variety) In The Game 6 vs.5 including GK’s Yellows score one point by turning through midfield and playing end to end Red’s attack both goals – try to get ball to either forward to turn and score in the goal Receiving to Shoot Practice 2 x pitches – 1 vs. 1 on pitch 1. Yellow plays on to team-mate. Red can move from line as yellow takes 1st touch 2 vs. 2 on other pitch. Try to combine to score a goal. Swap servers and then rotate the groups so they all get to attack on each pitch and defend Passing Practice Yellows – look for give + go’s Reds – Play 1 touch or more than 2 touch Blues – play around outside of circle – look for through passes across circle and to play overlaps on the outside of the circle Swap roles 3 points 1 point Distribution Practice 5 vs. 5 (or whatever numbers you have) with 1 player in each box 1 point if playing across pitch, 2 points if playing forward and 3 points if playing diagonally Upon scoring, receive back and scoring process continues from where ball is fed in from If red’s regain, play in the same way 2 points
Challenges + Coaching Points to help your Players Challenges Relating to the Practices Other Challenges that may suit Individuals 1. Try to let the ball run across your body 1. Try to recognise when to follow an opponent short and when to hold your position 2. Try to face forward before you receive the ball 2. Try to identify when to mark space and when to mark players 3. Try to leave the ball playable for the next player 3a. Try to lend it to someone else and get it back (1-2’s) 3. Try to recognise when to press and when to drop 4. Try to recognise when to risk it and when to keep it 4. Try to mark ball-side 5. Try to play forward (pass, run with) 5a. Try to pass between opponents 5b. Try to bypass as many opponents as you can 5. Look for opportunities to switch play 6. Try to recognise when to support behind the ball and when to support in front of the ball 6a. Try to recognise when to join the attack and when not to 6. GK – when to push defence up 6b. GK – when to play short and when to play long 7. Try to look for passes into the forwards feet 7b. Try to link up passes from midfield 7. When to use skills and tricks to beat an opponent Notes for Coaches Try to use the challenges to help the players to decide the best thing to do for the situation Try to select challenges that fit the area of work Try to recognise which player(s) needs a new/different challenge (recognise when to stop the whole group and when you can speak to an individual Allow players to choose their own challenges (even if it doesn’t link directly to the theme (so it’s their own syllabus)