AIM To enable you to identify when doctors might be stressed, feeling vulnerable or in difficulty, and coach them to take remedial action
OBJECTIVES Identify ways spotting a doctor who may be stressed/feeling vulnerable/in difficulty Understand a framework that describes some of the key components of personal and organisational resilience Know some basic coaching techniques Identify how these skills and ideas could be applied within appraisal
GROUND RULES Have a go! Try doing things differently Respect confidentiality and each other’s contribution Keep to time Have fun!
SPOTTING THE STRESSED DOCTOR What would indicate to you if a doctor is stressed/at risk of burnout/struggling/feeling vulnerable? What in your experience have been the tell- tale signs of this?
What is resilience? A set of flexible cognitive, behavioural and emotional responses to acute or chronic adversities “POSITIVE ADAPTATION in face of ADVERSITY” This can be learnt
A FRAMEWORK FOR RESILIENCE IN GPS Look at the resilience checklist Working on your own, look to see if there are any areas which, if addressed, would help you to become more resilient.
Coaching has a strict outcome focus Strong call to action Where are you now? Where do you want to be? Coach focuses on the process of getting the coachee to where they want to get to
Coach and coachee are equals Effective coaching requires a high degree of self respect and respect for your coachee. “I’m ok, you’re ok”
We are unique Coaching celebrates our uniqueness We are the experts in our own lives and are best placed to create the life we want Our goals, journey, solutions etc need to come from and fit us
The coachee is resourceful We are infinitely resourceful We have the answers to our own challenges and problems We have within us the resources we need to meet these challenges
The coachee has choices With these choices comes responsibility Implicit within this is raising one’s self awareness, making conscious what was previously unconscious, and becoming aware of choices we may not be aware of
GROW MODEL GOAL (what do you want?) REALITY (where are you now?) OPTIONS (what could you do?) WILL (what will you do?)
GOAL SMART Motivating, challenging, inspiring What do you want? How will that be? How motivated are you to achieve this? What’s important about this? How will you know you’ve achieved it?
REALITY Where are you now? What have you tried? What progress have you made? What are the barriers? What thoughts/beliefs are limiting you? What’s stopping you? What do you need to let go of?
OPTIONS Time to brainstorm! What could you do? What if the obstacles were removed? What if you knew you couldn’t fail? Who else has achieved this? How? When have you done something similar? How?
WHAT WILL YOU DO? What will you do, and when? What’s the next step? How will you stay motivated? What might get in your way? How will you review progress? How will you celebrate?
practice Work in pairs Identify an issue you would like to address, perhaps that has come to light through looking at the resilience framework Spend 15 minutes coaching each other on the issue you have identified
APPLYING THIS TO APPRAISALS How might you apply your understanding of resilience or your coaching skills in an appraisal? How might you introduce the concept of resilience? How might you weave in coaching techniques? Work with real examples