ADVISORY COMMITTEE Dr. Anay K Rawat Dr. Girish Jha Dr. S.K. Dwivedi Dr. H. L. Sharma PRESENTED BY Govardhan Lodha Enroll. No M.Sc. (Ag) Final year
OBJECTIVES 1. To study the associated weed flora in Soybean 2. To study the efficacy of herbicide against weeds 3. To see the effect of weed control treatments on growth, yield attributes,yield and seed quality of soybean 4. To assess economics of treatments
Location : Product Testing Unit, Department of Agronomy, JNKVV, Jabalpur Treatments detail: Treatments: 12 weed control measures TECHNICAL PROGRAMME OF WORK TreatmentsDose (g ha -1 )Time of application T1T1 MAHRM Post emergence T2T2 MAHRM Post emergence T3T3 MAHRM Post emergence T4T4 MAHRM Post emergence T5T5 Fomesafen125Post emergence T6T6 Fomesafen250Post emergence T7T7 Propaquizafop75Post emergence T8T8 Fomesafen + Fluazifop-p-butyl250Post emergence T9T9 Imazethapyr100Post emergence T 10 Propaquizafop + Imazethapyr50+75Post emergence T 11 Hand weeding (twice)20 and 40 DAS - T 12 Weedy-check (Control)-- Experimental Design : Randomized Complete Block Design No. of Replication : 3
OTHER EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Gross Plot Size :5.00 m x 3.60 m Net plot Size :4.40 m x 3.00 m Distance between replications :1.5 m Distance between the plots : 1.0 m Spacing (R-R):30 cm Variety:JS Seed Rate:70 kg/ha Fertilizer application:20:60:20 N:P 2 O 5 :K 2 O kg/ha
OBSERVATIONS TO BE RECORDED A. Pre harvest studies On Weeds Weed flora of experimental field at 30, 60 DAS in weedy check plots Species wise weed density before application of herbicide, at 15, 30, 45 Days after Application and harvest Species wise weed biomass before application of herbicide, at 15, 30, 45 Days after Application and harvest On Crop Plant population per meter row length at 30 DAS and harvest Plant height at 30, 60, 90 DAS and harvest Number of branches per plant at 30, 60, 90 DAS and harvest Dry weight of plant at 30, 60, 90 DAS and harvest Leaf area at 30 and 60 DAS Nodules per plant at 45 and 60 DAS Dry weight of nodules at 30,45 and 60 DAS
B. Post-harvest Studies Filled pods/plant Unfilled pods/plant Seeds/pod Seed index Seed yield (kg/plot) Stover yield (kg/plot) Oil content of seed (%) Protein content of seed (%) C. Data to be computed Weed index(%) Weed control efficiency (%) Leaf area index Seed yield (kg/ha) Stover yield (kg/ha) Harvest index (%)
D. Economic treatments (on the basis of /ha) 1. Cost of cultivation 2. Gross monetary returns 3. Net monetary returns 4. Benefit-cost ratio E. Soil analysis ( physico-chemical properties ) 1. PH 2. EC 3. Organic Carbon 4. Available NPK kg/ha
30 cm 3.6 m 30 cm 5 m Gross Plot Size 5.00 m x 3.60 m Net plot Size 4.40 m x 3.00 m = = 3.00