Junior: Ashley Bergman Senior: Morgan Sexton Student Senate Junior: Ashley Bergman Senior: Morgan Sexton
Plan divided into three categories: School Culture Community Service Education- with three subcategories: a. Attendance b. Academics c. Behavior
School Culture Leadership team- 4 faculty-nominated and student-elected students from each grade.
Surveys with survey monkey and on paper pencil Surveys with survey monkey and on paper pencil. (School culture survey, leadership team nominees and voting) Certified and Classified personnel of the month.
Video including entire school at end of the year/ after EOCs and AP exams. Probably to “We’re All In this Together” from High School Musical. (Still in development) The art department is working on the ARI video contest.
Community Service Kenny’s Kids at the Sportsplex Volunteer at the Animal Shelter Hindman Settlement School Spring Meeting Collections for Ronald McDonald Charities and Retirement homes Pennies for Patients
Canned Food drive with local food pantry- around Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc.
Community Problem Solving- work with Knott County Tourism director to create volunteer opportunities.
Safe driving week- NEXT week before prom Safe driving week- NEXT week before prom. Volunteers giving candy with statistics about distracted/drunk driving and safety reminders. Drunk driving/drug abuse training by Operation Unite.
Student Senate has become a standing part of agenda on site-based Student Senate has become a standing part of agenda on site-based. Present at Board of Education regularly and publish articles in the Troublesome Creek Times/ TVS 24
College and Career Career Fair- bringing to community into Knott Central. People from different career fields come to speak to students about future plans. College Visits—UPike, Morehead, UK, Union, University of the Cumberlands, Alice Lloyd College
Education- Attendance Surveys on attendance with Survey Monkey- in order to discover what prizes students would like to see. Conferenced with principal where student leadership team discussed possible rewards, such as free time, snacks, movies, etc.
Education- Academics Rewards for high test scores. When benchmark is met, students are exempt from College and Career readiness course and free to join various clubs.
TORCH PREP--ACT Torchprep- in-school 16 hour ACT “blitz”. http://www.torchprep.com/
WIN software- help students with curriculum along with soft skills, effective study skills, punctuality, etc. KCC has used WIN for test prep for those seniors that did not meet the ACT benchmark as juniors and for freshmen CCR classes to learn about professional dress, interview practices, and for reading test prep.
Education- behavior Boomerang- mentoring program- UK trip- preparing freshman for the future
Harsher and more targeted punishments. No tobacco tolerance (???)
Future Plans: Knott County Central Alumni Facebook page. More student voice involvement from the leadership council Addition of middle school leadership teams Monthly district-wide leadership meetings Create ways to increase school spirit/culture and student involvement