SCHEDULING Information: Senior Year Be sure you have: Course Selection Sheet Registration Information Packet Your Schedule Card Directions
READ, CONSULT and ASK before signing up for classes Talk with teachers, parents and/or me to make sure the class will be a good fit. Use the Course Description book as a resource for information about classes and their prerequisites. Course Description Book - go to the District webpage under Curriculum
Appointment Date & Time Please take out your phone or planner and RECORD the appointment time located on your card. Do not miss your appointment and be sure to be on time!
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses Some of you may be thinking of taking an AP course AP courses are college level curriculum at the high school level. Some AP classes have prerequisites. Review the course description book. AP courses prepare you for the AP exam in May. There is some potential that college credit could be earned depending on the AP exam score (1 to 5) and college choice,.
When considering whether or not to take an AP course you should: Students who are successful in an AP class typically have a 90%+ average on assessments in previous classes within that curriculum, and have a self-motivated attitude. Strong interest in the subject. Strong academic background in the subject matter and ability to read & write critically. Excellent study skills and conscientious with due dates. Realize that AP courses are VERY rigorous and could take multiple hours in homework, study, and preparation each night just for this one class alone. Ask yourself & reflect why you are taking an AP course. Consult with your same subject area teacher for their recommendation. Consult with your parents. Be aware of your own limitations and be realistic. Do you have enough time to devote to get the grade you would like to get? Are you interested in the subject matter? *** Required: Complete the AP form and turn it in with your schedule card
Graduation Requirement: English Choose 1 year of English (2 semesters) One Composition course and one Literature course Composition and Literature or Composition and Language Literature Courses: Mythology DO NOT REPEAT THE Exploring Literature LITERATURE CLASS Shakespeare YOU TOOK JUNIOR 20th Century Literature YEAR!!! British Literature Poetry Literature of the Strange and Mysterious Introduction to Film (*not NCAA approved) AP Literature and Composition (AP Language & Composition is a prerequisite). AP Language & Composition
What’s the difference? Composition and Language OR Composition and Literature Composition & Literature uses classic literature as the springboard for writing assignments. This is your class if you are going into humanities-based majors (like Pre-Law, English and Education.) However, it is excellent college prep for any major. You will write four traditional essays in this class and do a multimedia presentation. Composition & Language uses contemporary nonfiction (and a little classic literature). This is your class if you have interest in technology, media and design. It is also an excellent college prep for any major. You will write four essays in a variety of formats and do a multimedia research presentation.
20th Century Literature One semester literature course for 11th and 12th graders Students will read and analyze various novels and short stories to determine their significance as being representative of the universal themes, conflicts, and characters of the period Students respond to literature through discussions, presentations, and writing assignments Major Texts: Siddhartha The Chosen One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest The Great Gatsby One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich The Stranger The Bean Trees Major Units of Study: Search for Identity Triumph of the Human Spirit Man vs. Civilization Alienation and Absurdity
Literature of the Strange and Mysterious Cat’s Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut Dracula by Bram Stoker Sherlock Holmes Mysteries by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien And various short stories and videos may also be used to supplement the novels This is a class for students who like to read!
Mythology One semester literature course for 11th and 12th graders Students will read, analyze, and discuss myths from different cultures Students will explore creation myths, god-teacher myths, loss of innocence myths, and hero myths Popular myths students will read: Hercules, Beowulf, King Arthur, The Iliad, Jason and the Argonauts, Greek Theology, and more!
Intro to Film 11th and 12th grade literature course Students will understand and appreciate the aesthetic and technical aspects of film Students will read screenplays, view films, write reviews, analyze scenes, research topics, make multimedia presentations, and create their own screenplays.
Exploring Literature This is a one semester literature course for 11th and 12th graders You will learn to become a more thoughtful reader by exploring different novels such as: Monster, All Quiet on the Western Front, The Chocolate War, and self-selected novels This is primarily an activity and discussion based course
Poetry One semester literature course for 11th and 12th grade students Students will read, analyze, and discuss classic, contemporary, western, and world poems Students will explore form, meter, musicality, and other poetic devices Students will have an opportunity to participate in a writing workshop where they will write, revise, and even publish their own poems “Poetry is a search for syllables to shoot at barriers of the unknown and the unknowable.” --Carl Sandburg
Shakespeare 11th and 12th grade Literature Elective Students will study approx. 6 of Shakespeare’s major plays from each of the recognized categories: history, comedy, tragedy, and romance. Students will explore enough of the culture and history of the time in which Shakespeare wrote so that students better understand his plays and the theater of his day. Students will watch film excerpts from the plays studied, and in between assigned plays, view a play in full which they do not read. The viewing experience is an important part of the course. Students will be graded on class participation, tests/quizzes, projects, performances and a few very short writing assignments.
Beowulf--Chaucer--Shakespeare--Pope--Swift--Dickens--And More! One semester literature course for 11th and 12th grade students This is a reading, discussing, and thinking based course Students will read PROSE and POETRY from the Anglo-Saxon period to the Renaissance period to the Victorian period to the present period Students will also learn about language and culture from Old English to Middle English to Modern English Beowulf--Chaucer--Shakespeare--Pope--Swift--Dickens--And More!
Graduation Requirement: MATH Choose the next math course in sequence… or Math Related options only if you’ve completed Alg 2. In Algebra 2A -> Algebra 2B In Algebra 2 -> Pre-Calculus (or Honors), Intro to College Math, or Math Related In Pre-Calculus -> AP Calculus AB or BC or AP Statistics In AP Calculus -> Can go to AP Statistics or Dual Enroll (Need paperwork if wanting to Dual Enroll)
Graduation Requirement: MATH Math Related options: Accounting 1, 2, 3, and 4 Chemistry, Fundamentals of Chemistry or AP Chemistry Financial Math and Analysis Personal Finance Computer Programming 1 & 2, AP Computer Science Physics, Fundamentals of Physics or AP Physics All CAD classes All OTEC courses (*Indicate math related on OTEC application)
Graduation Requirement ACADEMIC COURSES: Social Studies Your graduation requirements for Social Studies should be fulfilled before your senior year. Any needed credit for graduation not yet earned, must be scheduled during senior year. 3.0 Credits Total World History – 1.0 Credit US History – 1.0 Credit Government – 0.5 Credit Economics – 0.5 Credit We have MANY social studies electives that can be considered for senior year.
Graduation Requirement ACADEMIC COURSES: Science Your graduation requirements for Science should be fulfilled before your senior year. Any needed credit for graduation not yet earned, needs to be scheduled during senior year. 3.0 Credits Physical Science – 1.0 credits Biology – 1.0 credits 3rd Science - Chemistry, Physics, Other – 1.0 credits We have science electives that can be considered for senior year.
Consider your next steps with class selection. What comes after high school? What career are you considering? What college(s) are you considering? Your senior courses are important and can have an impact on your college admissions decision. Colleges generally recommend that students take at least four academic courses per semester: English, Math, Science, Social Studies and/or Foreign Language. That’s 8 out of your 12 semesters to be academic.
Other Graduation Requirements: Physical Education PHYSICAL EDUCATION: 1.0 Credit Option A: Wellness 1 AND Wellness 2 Option B: PE Elective AND Health FLEX Option: 2 Seasons of a MHSAA sport or marching band to Flex out of the PE Elective. Health is needed.
V.P.A.A. (Visual, Performing, Applied Arts) 1 credit required Reference the large list in the Registration Information Packet.
ALTERNATIVE COURSES Alternative courses required. Pick courses you can live with. They may be in your schedule. You need alternatives for elective courses.
Electives: Oakland Schools Technical Campus OSTC applications are available in the counseling office. Check the website at: Application Required (even for returning seniors) This will take 3 hours in your schedule Agriscience and Environmental Technologies Automotive Technology Collison Repair and Refinishing Computer Programming Computer Networking Construction Technology Cosmetology Culinary Art/Hospitality Electrical and Energy Technologies Entrepreneurship and Advanced Marketing Health Sciences Machining Mechatronics Medium/Heavy Truck and Equipment Visual Imaging Welding Web Development
Final thoughts……. Make sure your semesters add up to 12! Go over your schedule card with your parents/guardian. Give them time to think and process the information before asking them to sign it. A completed schedule card MUST have a PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE and required teacher signatures!
You must enter your courses online in Synergy You must enter your courses online in Synergy. This must be done before your appointment with your counselor. Bring your schedule card with you to your counseling appointment. Go to You will use your school login and password to access the site.
See me if you need credit recovery information Project Graduation information is available now for those in need of credit recovery: Failed a required class Summer school information comes out around Spring Break. Check the web or pop into the counseling office then.
Final, Final thoughts……. SAT registration is happening soon. You will be picking 4 colleges to send your scores to before you take the test. Think of these colleges now! You can change the colleges within 10 days of the test for free if desired by going into your college board account. Create an account if you don’t have one yet. Bring picture ID, 2-3 #2 pencils (not mechanical) and a calculator. Go to bed early the night before and eat breakfast!