Ohlone Community College District Fremont & Newark, CA Introductions, explanation of campuses Ohlone Community College District Fremont & Newark, CA Serving Fremont, Newark, Union City & More!
HIGHER EDUCATION Key points: there are many options for students when it comes to higher ed. Community College is a great option that saves you money, because from a CC you can end up at any one of these types of institutions. Peer Mentor: discuss why you chose a community college as an option (keep it general.. We’ll go into why you chose Ohlone specifically later.) You can be as personal as you feel comfortable (to save money, grades, being close to home.)
COMMUNITY COLLEGE IS RIGHT FOR YOU IF… You’re unsure of what to study You’re looking for an Associate’s Degree or want training for a new career You want a more affordable and personal college option You want to transfer You’re looking for a fresh start from HS In 2014, Ohlone awarded 685 Associate Degrees, 821 Certificates, and close to 1000 students transferred to a 4-year institution FACT: Over 7 million undergraduate students are enrolled at a community college in the US General overview of what makes a community college a good choice for students. Peer Mentor: discuss if any of these reasons resonate with you. Talk about reasons your peers have gone to Community College and what their goals are. Ohlone was recently ranked #3 in the state among medium-sized community colleges & is consistently ranked in the top 10 of all California Community Colleges
WHY OHLONE? Now we want to go in to what makes Ohlone such a good choice for students. Peer Mentor: discuss why you chose Ohlone specifically
DEGREE PROGRAMS AT OHLONE We offer 182 degrees & certificates Highlights American Sign Language/ Interpreter Computer Networking, Environmental Science Early Childhood Studies Health Sciences: Registered Nursing, Respiratory Therapy, Physical Therapy Assistant, Biotechnology Multimedia (Graphic Design, Animation, Video Game Design) Broadcasting (TV & Radio), Entertainment Design & Tech List of our more popular programs. We also offer “standard” majors such as Psyc, Business, etc. Peer Mentor: discuss experience with major- why you chose it, types of classes, if you changed your major at all etc.
STARTING AT OHLONE… TRANSFERRING Transfer Center Help you locate schools specializing in your major Set up visits with University Reps & campus trips Assist you with filling out applications & personal statements Transfer Day Transfer Guarantees Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT), CSU System 21 approved majors offered at Ohlone Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG), UC System Transfer Assistance: Transfer Center (Peer Mentor discuss if you’ve gone to any of the Transfer Center workshops or talked to a counselor about transferring. Give a brief overview of how the transfer process has been for you. Did it meet your expectations? What were some requirements for you) Michelle will go into TAG and ADT
STUDENT SERVICES & PROGRAMS Counseling Tutoring Labs Financial Aid Library Peer Mentor Program One-Stop Career Center Personal Development Courses The Ohlone Pantry Disabled Students Programs & Services Puente Program Health Center Athletics Peer Mentor will discuss the importance of these services and experiencing using them. Michelle will cover services that Peer Mentor is not as familiar with. Definitely want to highlight that we have a very strong counseling department to help students figure out their goals and class requirements.
Paying for College $46 per unit (CA residents) Books, Parking, Student Fees Average cost of 1 year, full-time tuition = (approximately $1100) FAFSA (grants, loans, BOG Fee Waiver)– FAFSA.ED.GOV Ohlone College Foundation Scholarships Peer Mentor will discuss the importance of these services and experiencing using them. Michelle will cover services that Peer Mentor is not as familiar with. Definitely want to highlight that we have a very strong counseling department to help students figure out their goals and class requirements.
Associated Students of Ohlone College CAMPUS LIFE About 11,000 students attend 50 active clubs Fun campus events Welcome Day Associated Students of Ohlone College Peer Mentor can discuss this. General info about student activities that take place on campus (the social aspect of being a student)
BECOME A STUDENT APPLICATION IS OPEN NOW Apply Online- www.ohlone.edu Take your English and Math Placement Tests Attend New Student Orientation Michelle will go over enrollment steps Quick Tip: Study for the placement test! The better you do, the quicker your academic journey! Take advantage of our practice tests. Attend Freshman Days to complete Orientation & get early registration for Fall classes! Open registration for Freshman Days will open in April
Campus tours & mentoring Michelle Dimmett Reyes Outreach & Orientation Questions? Peer Mentor Program newstudent@ohlone.edu Campus tours & mentoring Michelle Dimmett Reyes mdimmett@ohlone.edu Outreach & Orientation Question and answer opportunity