Suresh Budhram Merina Cage Ryan Floyd Tyler Tacornal Impact of Agriculture and Supply of Water for Industrial and Domestic Use Suresh Budhram Merina Cage Ryan Floyd Tyler Tacornal
MEDC: London Basin London’s growing population means the British capital is facing possible water shortages and a risk of flooding from overflowing sewage unless action is taken to ensure more sustainable development. The current shortage is the result of two consecutive dry winters that have led to a limited recharge of reservoirs and aquifers.
LEDC: Aral Sea Russian government deliberately deprived the Aral Sea of its two main sources of water income (Amu Darya and Syr Darya), which almost immediately led to less water arriving to the sea. Over 4 decades, the Aral Sea has shrunk to 1/10 its normal size.
MEDC: Australian Artesian Basin The Great Artesian Basin (GAB), underlying about 1.7 million square kilometers of Australia, contains about 65,000 km3 of water, but the water is up to 2 million years old so it is easy to extract this resource far faster than it is being replenished. Since Australia is losing much of their groundwater, they are having to extract water from the GAB in order to continue practicing agriculture.
LEDC: Mexico City Population explosion in late 20th century led to extremely high population density. Many dams have had to been built to keep up with the high demand for drinking water. The Cutzmala River supplies over 1/3 of people in the city with water.
Growth in Population and Water Supply
MEDC: USA (Flint, Michigan) Flint, located 70 miles north of Detroit, is a city of 98,310, where 41.2% of residents live below the poverty line and the median household income is $24,862. The water in the Flint River downstream of Flint has been of poor quality, and was severely degraded during the 1970s, due to the presence of fecal coliform bacteria, low dissolved oxygen, plant nutrients, oils, and toxic substances.
LEDC: China As a massive population largest in the world. Steady growth with regulations in store to limit population. Large water supply but it is hard for the entire population to have the same supply.
MEDC: Japan Soon to be one of the oldest countries in terms of the average age of people, which is causing a population problem. Access to an improved water source is universal in Japan. 97% of the population receives piped water supply from public utilities and 3% receive water from their own wells or unregulated small systems, mainly in rural areas water quality in rivers and lakes still does not meet environmental standards.
LEDC: Afghanistan Only 27% of 32.5 million Afghans have access to clean drinking water and safe sanitation. In rural areas, it can drop down to 20% of the population, which is the lowest in the world.