FIELDS MEP & V5 Pre-Ship Review Thermal Summary


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Presentation transcript:

FIELDS MEP & V5 Pre-Ship Review Thermal Summary Gayle K. Martin Brent Mochizuki Alexander (Sasha) Siy April 10, 2017

Contents Thermal Compliance MEP Thermal Analysis and Environmental Testing Action items, Deviations, Waivers Thermal Vacuum Test Summary Test set-up Thermal Test Results Thermal Model and Documents Electrical and Performance Summary Problems, Failures, Anomalies V5 Thermal Analysis and Environmental Testing

Thermal Compliance EDTRD MEP Complete V5 Complete Description Artifact 0021 3/2017 2/2017 Performance tests CPT shall be conducted for all components during component level TV testing MEP: ref [11], [12], [13] V5: ref [11], [12], [13] V1234: TBD 0052 Through 3/2017 Prior to and after environmental testing, components shall be kept in a controlled environment (i.e., laboratory) at room ambient barometric pressure at the temperature and humidity shown below in Table 4-‑2 Parts List 0066 Hardware shall be subjected to bake-out as required by 7434-9011 SPP Contamination Control Plan MEP: ref [16], [13] V5: ref [16], [13] 0069 Component turn-on shall be demonstrated at the hot and cold plateaus of the first and last operational cycles 0079 Cold turn-on temperature (below operating temperature) and warm-up sequence shall be identified and defined for necessary components 0080 Thermal vacuum cycle testing shall be performed to the Operational Test Limits on all components in order to adequately stress internal parts and solder joints 0083 Component level thermal vacuum testing shall include a single survival cycle to demonstrate tolerance of the survival limits 0084 Flight model testing shall complete six operational and one survival cycle

Thermal Compliance EDTRD MEP Complete V5 Complete Description Artifact 0087 3/2017 2/2017 CPTs shall be conducted during component level TV testing MEP: ref [11], [12], [13] V5: ref [11], [12], [13] V1234: TBD 0088 Minimal functional tests shall be performed at all remaining plateaus Note: CPTs conducted at all plateaus. 0166 At the component level, components shall be tested over the range of 22 V to 35 V as measured at the input to each component 0179 Throughout thermal balance and thermal cycle testing, each instrument subsystem or instrument component shall be powered unless there is an identified potential for damage and a waiver has been obtained from APL 0186 Instruments shall be designed and tested to the thermal interfaces listed in Table 5-2 0187 Cold turn-on temperature and warm-up sequence shall be identified and defined for each instrument 0189 Instruments shall complete a successful thermal vacuum flight qualification testing program prior to delivery to the spacecraft 0190 Testing program shall consist of thermal vacuum balance and thermal vacuum cycle

Thermal Compliance EDTRD MEP Complete V5 Complete Description Artifact 0191 2/2017 1/2017 All instruments thermal test plans shall be provided to the SC thermal engineer for review and approval MEP: ref [11], [12] V5: ref [11], [12] V1234: TBD 0195 3/2017 The thermal cycling that all thermal hardware works as expected hardware for these instruments forgoing the thermal balance test shall demonstrate in thermal vac MEP: ref [11], [12], [13] V5: ref [11], [12], [13] 0207 Instrument thermal vacuum cycle tests do not have to maintain the isolated coupling used during thermal balance. This should decrease transition time between cycles, thus total test time. Instrument component temperatures shall be based on flight model predictions if the isolation coupling is not flight-like 0208 Instrument component temperatures shall be tested to 10°C beyond flight model predictions [to flight allowable limits] 0209 Flight model testing shall complete six operational and one survival cycle 0212 CPT’s shall be conducted during instrument level TV testing 0213 Minimal functional tests shall be performed at all remaining plateaus if no CPT performed 0337 Components, except the high gain antenna and the cooling system primary radiators, shall be tested with a rate of change of temperature no less than 5°C per minute

Thermal Compliance EDTRD MEP Complete V5 Complete Description Artifact 0182 5/2016 n/a Instruments mounted internally to the spacecraft bus shall meet the thermal design requirements in section 4.3.1 MEP: ref [14], [15] 0185 TBD All instrument brackets external to the spacecraft shall be blanketed V5: ref [14], [15], mICD 0188 11/2016 Instruments shall be designed to operate within thermal specifications for the science phase of the mission and not suffer permanent degradation during any other phase of the mission V5: ref [14], [15] V1234: TBD 0192 5/2016  Flight predictions shall demonstrate at least 10°C of margin within the instrument operational or survival test temperatures with the exception that for active heater control, 5°C of temperature margin is acceptable at the lower test limit

Instrument: Document(s) Title Artifact References Description Reference # Instrument: Document(s) Title iPER slides [11] MEP: 007_SPF_MEP_IPER_TVac.pptx V5: 004_V5_IPER_Thermal_Plan.pptx V1234: TBD Test Plan/Procedure [12] MEP: SPF_PROC_120_MEP_FM_TV_RevB.pdf V5: SPF_V5_TVcyclTestProc_RevE-signed.pdf Complete test procedure & accompanying test report(s) Note: CPT documents are referenced in the write-up [13] MEP: SPF_THM612_MEP_TV_TestReport.pdf & SPF_THM602_MEP_TV_CompletedTestProc.pdf V5: SPF_THM312_V5_TV_TestReport.pdf & SPF_THM302_V5_TV_CompletedTestProc.pdf V1234: TBD +ITVT Thermal design summary [14] MEP: SPF_THM601_MEP_Design&Analysis.pptx V5: SPF_THM201_V5_Design&Analysis.pptx Thermal model [15] MEP: TBD V5: TBD Bakeout plan [16] FIELDS updated per meetings with the SPP contamination engineer. SPF_MGMT_024_BakeOut_RevC.xlsx

MEP Thermal Vacuum Cycling Test

MEP Action Items, Deviations, Waivers Closure of action items from IPER No open thermal actions, deviations, or waivers Action Description Response Status MEP PER AI #1 Action: Successfully complete CPT and make test data plus configuration documentation (including versions of Boot and Operational FSW and other configuration items for FIELDS1 and FIELDS2) available before the start of environmental testing The CPT test was completed. The As-run document was augmented with the versions of Boot and Operational software for both FIELDS1 and FIELDS2. Complete 2/16/2017 K. Goetz MEP PER AI #5 Action: Since the LPT is a critical test of instrument performance throughout thermal-vac testing, provide LPT prior to TV. The proc and scripts have been completed and ready to go 2/11/17 For TV testing, all soaks were complete with CPT Complete 2/11/2017 See response MEP PER AI #9 No SWEAP I/F testing in CPT performed in TV Action: Discuss why not including the SWEAP I/F is low risk and why it does not need to be tested during the TV CPT FIELDS now plans to include testing of the SWEAP interface during MEP TV. This will involve running a SWEAP emulator outside the TV chamber with harnessing into the FIELDS MEP. This allows testing of signals in both directions. Complete 3/15/2017 MEP PER AI #10 Hi and Lo bus voltage testing during TV. Action: Perform some system level testing at min and max bus voltage while at hot and cold plateaus during TV The steps to operate at min and max voltages as requested has been added. Updated MEP TV procedure  MEP PER AI #11 Cold Turn on in TV Action: Move the instrument cold turn-on test to the first cold survival soak The cold turn-on at the survival soak has been added. Please see the updated MEP TV procedure that is attached to this action item. MEP PER AI #12 Action: Discuss why not testing the Mag heater circuit in TV is acceptable We have determined a method to allow the heater to be on all the time, and have arranged for the necessary cable adjustment.

MEP Thermal Vacuum Test Set-up Back shroud Main shroud Baseplate The TV test was complete at UCB/SSL in the Bayside chamber Test dates March 16 to March 28, 2017 Test set-up There were three temperature zones for the TV test (baseplate and shrouds) Fully assembled flight MEP The MEP was bolted to a mounting plate then bolted to the chamber baseplate The harness and instruments rested on baseplate The following instruments were inside the chamber during the test: FM V5, EM SCM, 4 EM V1234 preamps The following instruments were outside the chamber during the test: FM Mag-o and FM Mag-I, both in the stimulus cans. The magnetometer heaters were jumpered out for heater testing MEP TV set-up in the Bayside chamber

MEP Thermal Vacuum Test Set-up Mounting plate V1234 EM preamps (under harness) SCM (EM) V5 (FM)

MEP Thermal Vacuum Test Set-up Electrical configuration Instruments internal to the chamber were connected directly to the MEP The harness was connected via DB25 and BNC feedthroughs in the Bayside chamber V1234 & V5 stimulus was connected to the Stim Rack via BNC Electrical isolation V5 was electrically isolated with ChoTherm in the same configuration as the V5 TV configuration The V1234 EM preamps were grounded to the baseplate with grounding wires Thermal control The flight MEP was controlled and monitored via thermocouples and AnaWin2 controller

MEP Thermal Vacuum Test Set-up Thermocouples were mounted along the flight unit and instruments internal to the chamber to verify temperatures during thermal cycling The thermocouples were electrically isolated with Kapton tape and thermally coupled with aluminum tape The internal thermistor recorded that the temperatures stabilized during instrument operation (not available during survival) 4 5 6 Back Shroud Main Shroud 8 9 15 14 MEP “back” with control TC bolted to mounting plate. TC # Location  1 Door Shroud  2 Main Shroud  3 Baseplate 4 MEP top 5 MEP front (broken) 6 MEP side near mag-i 7 MEP side near mag-o (Bayside wall) 8 MEP back 9 MEP base (control TC) 10 EM V1 preamp 11 EM V2 preamp 12 EM V3 preamp (broken) 13 EM V4 preamp 14 FM V5 preamp 15 EM SCM

MEP Thermal Vacuum Test Results Instrument functionals were complete Pre-test functional Hot and cold operation CPTs (all op cycles) Post-test functional Test parameters as indicated in PER were met The transition rate of the instrument did not to exceed 3°C per minute Soak was achieved at a minimum of four hour at case temperatures with a change in temperature of ±1°C Temperature set-points for each case Survival = -30°C to 65°C Operational = -25°C to 60°C Additional operational case at nominal spacecraft interface temperature of 46°C TQCM measurement was made at the end of the test after the 48 hour bakeout

MEP Thermal Vacuum Test Results The table summarizes the test trends to illustrating compliance with specifications Hot and cold turn-on at every cycle CPT at every cycle Magnetometer heaters were turned on for cycles 3-6 Additional hot operational case at 46°C No CPT Nominal spacecraft temperature interface temperature Verified current draw during nominal operations (31 V) Cycle Hot T (°C) Voltage CPT Cold T (°C) Survival 65  n/a n/a  -30 Operational 1  62  31 Complete -30/-25 Operational 2  Complete -25 Operational 3 Operational 4  61 Operational 5  26 Nominal interface 46 31 Operational 6  35

MEP Thermal Vacuum Test Results Hot and cold operational cycle illustrated (comparable for all soaks) Baseplate (yellow) temperatures used for thermal control

MEP Thermal Vacuum Test Results Acceptance temperature margins Flight allowable limits were tested at all soaks No non-conformances or differences from PER during test Measured test margins vs. design estimates: MEP tested to 10°C beyond predicts No rework/replacement, or changes to test plan since IPER

MEP Thermal Model and Documents Updated thermal model to be delivered April 2017 Documents: refer to slide 7 Photo location:

MEP Thermal Vacuum Electrical and Performance Summary CPT was performed during every hot and cold soaks Soak Properties CPT Results Date Temperature Cycle # Voltage MAG Htr Automated Results MAGo/i DFB FIELDS2 19-Mar-17 Cold 1 31V Nominal Pass 20-Mar-17 Hot 2 21-Mar-17 3 22-Mar-17 4 High TDS Issues Cold 23-Mar-17 5 26V 24-Mar-17 6 35V NCR-020

MEP Problems, Failures, Anomalies A few anomalies occurred during TVac testing and an FRB was held on 6 Apr 2017 to address them

V5 Thermal Vacuum Cycling Test

V5 Action Items, Deviations, Waivers Closure of action items from IPER No open thermal actions, deviations, or waivers Action Description Response Status V5 PER AI #3 Confirm that the connector can survive the tested cold temperatures without damage. The connector in question is a 311P409-2P-B-12 15-pin male (pins) connector, rated from -55 C to +125 C. At the project level, heritage use aboard SDO and other GSFC Magnetometer missions of this connector type is being used to met the component qual requirements at cold temperatures [R. Kinder, Feb 2017; attached Memo]. On SDO this connector type was qualified to a minimum test temperature of -83 to - 151 C over many tens of cycles, and readily passed. At the Fields level, the connector in question was cycled in FM V5 TVAC over 6 Ops cycles from -59 C to + 71 C and one survival cycle from -68 C to +77 C, not as cold as the predicts, but still colder than the nominal cold limit of -55 C. No degradation of the electrical properties of the connector were observed during the test (isolation or continuity), and there were no obvious physical issues with the connector in visual inspection upon completion of the TVAC testing. The V5 cold cycle limits on the connector were warmer than expected in flight as the connector was not strongly coupled to the V5 preamp and sensor, nor was it blanketed as it would be in flight. Complete 3/27/2017 V5 PER AI #5 Measure the continuity from the box to antenna element during TVAC to see if there is a problem In FM V5 TVAC testing, the electrical continuity through the elements in question was verified at Cold Operational ( -85 C) and hot ( +75 C) conditions throughout all 6 Operational TVAC cycles, as well as after the Cold and Hot Survival cycles (-141 C and +110 C respectively). No issues with the DC or AC electrical conductivity of the elements in question were found during the test, which verified fulfillment of the required functionality over the required range of thermal environments. V5 PER AI #6 Action - A test report for the thermal balance test and an update to the thermal analysis (reflected in the test procedure) is requested. Rationale - Since the response to I-CDR RFA 10 (updated thermal analysis), the V5 surface has been changed to black nickel and there has been a V5 EM thermal balance test. Document with summary submitted SPF_THM201_V5_Analysis&Test.pptx V5 PER AI #7 Action - Check the usage of the Micro Phase K thermal interface material over the temperature range needed and that the magnetic properties are acceptable. Using ChoTherm instead per preference of APL team Complete 3/20/2017 V5 PER AI #8 Action - Perform a thermal balance test to validate flight thermal design over the expected interface temperature range. Rationale - Test matrix shows a thermal balance test is required. Plan doesn't call out a thermal balance test. The V5 flight unit thermal balance was incorporated into the thermal cycle test. The V5 flight unit was thermally cycled beyond required flight allowable temperatures. Each thermal cycle reached balance conditions, thus a separate balance test was not deemed necessary. The results from the TV test will be correlated for the final flight thermal model. Due to the test heating/cooling zones within the chamber, gradients were experienced on the V5 unit to properly correlate the data. An additional soak case was included after the final cold cycle to define the preamp warm-up protocol. As noted in the rational, a thermal balance test is required per the EDTRD test matrix. The requirement for V5 is at the subsystem level (that is with the boom). A balance test at cold conditions was performed at APL in 2015. Another balance test was planned for 2017 and has been incorporated into the SPP Observatory test. Complete 3/24/2017

V5 Thermal Vacuum Test Set-up The TV test was complete at UCB/SSL in the SNOUT1 chamber Test dates January 30 to February 13, 2017 Test set-up There were four temperature zones for the TV test (baseplate, main shroud, heater plate and cold finger) Fully assembled flight V5 unit The V5 was isolated from the heater mounting plate with ChoTherm (flightlike) and bolted with flight hardware The heater plate was mounted to the cold finger bolted to the chamber baseplate GSE heater plate (dubbed "the burrito") will have the V5 mounted to it with ChoTherm interface. The burrito will then be mounted on the Cold Finger (LN2 reservoir). V5 Heater plate Cold finger

V5 Thermal Vacuum Test Set-up Shroud Cold plate mounting Cold plate Heater plate Connector rested on mounting block Electrically isolated (ChoTherm under V5)

V5 Thermal Vacuum Test Set-up Electrical configuration V5 was connected to external GSE to operate CPTs via GSE computer The V5 flight unit was stimulated through BNC Electrical isolation V5 was electrically isolated with ChoTherm Thermal control The flight V5 was controlled and monitored via thermocouples and AnaWin2 controller

V5 Thermal Vacuum Test Set-up Thermocouples were mounted along the flight unit to verify temperatures during thermal cycling The thermocouples were electrically isolated with Kapton tape and thermally coupled with aluminum tape The internal thermistor recorded that the temperatures stabilized during instrument operation (not available during survival) 7 3 5 6 TC # Location  1 Baseplate  2 Shroud  3 V5 top 4 V5 side 5 Heater plate 6 V5 antenna 7 Connector

V5 Thermal Vacuum Test Results Instrument functionals were complete Pre-test functional Hot and cold operation CPTs (all op cycles) Post-test functional Test parameters as indicated in PER were met The transition rate of the instrument did not to exceed 3°C per minute Soak was achieved at a minimum of four hour at case temperatures Temperature set-points for each case Survival: 110 to -140°C Operational: 75 to -85°C TQCM measurement was made at the end of the test

V5 Thermal Vacuum Test Results The table summarizes the test trends to illustrating compliance with specifications As defined in the procedure (section 12), the pass criteria were all met. Adequate temperature data collected at steady state from all test cases Pass all CPTs (every operational soak) No workmanship failures Completed 6 operational and 1 survival cycle Hot and cold turn-on Cold turn-on at -140°C during op cycle 1. Cycle Date Hot T (°C) DT (°C/hr) CPT Cold T (°C) Survival 2/1/17 110 ±1 n/a -142 2 Operational 1 2/2/17 75 Complete -85 +1, -22* Operational 2 2/3/17  Complete +1, -32* Operational 3 2/6/17 Operational 4 2/7/17 +1, -5 Operational 5 2/8/17 +1, -3 Operational 6 2/9/17 Warm-up Heater 2/10/17 -109 +3, -2** *The V5 remained below the -85°C flight allowable/test temperature limit for the duration of the soak. The V5 temperature dropped as low as -107°C due to hysteresis between the cold finger and V5 control TC. **Review write-up for details on the heater warm-up authority cases evaluated.

V5 Thermal Vacuum Test Results Hot and cold survival and 6 operational cycles are illustrated V5 top (blue) temperatures was used for thermal control

V5 Thermal Vacuum Test Results Acceptance temperature margins Flight allowable limits were tested (or exceeded) at all soaks No non-conformances or differences from PER during test No rework/replacement, or changes to test plan since IPER

V5 Thermal Model and Documents Updated thermal model to be delivered April 2017 Documents: refer to slide 7 Photo location in folder “V5 TV Pictures”

V5 Thermal Vacuum Test Summary 3 All CPTs were completed successfully Recorded in folder “Functional Check Log” Hot Soak 6 CPT report:

V5 Problems, Failures, Anomalies No workmanship failures or performance anomalies identified The instrument performed as expected during each operational cycle and during the post-test check-out The instrument also performed as expected for the 6 operational cycles during the MEP TV test No identified residual risk