A Final Account of the U:P Ratio Ray Boston, Glenys Noble, and Martin Sillence
Relationship of Urine HEPS to Plasma HEPS . rreg urine plasma, nolog Robust regression Number of obs = 12 F( 1, 10) =52842.71 Prob > F = 0.0000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ urinehepsn~l | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- plasmaheps~l | 177.6214 .7726854 229.88 0.000 175.8997 179.343 _cons | -16.87472 1.230272 -13.72 0.000 -19.61593 -14.1335 Urine = 177.6 Plasma – 16.9 Urine:Plasma ~ 178
Fit to mean for all horses of Urine HEPS to Plasma HEPS
Mean model and horse-level data for Urine HEPS by Plasma HEPS
Mean model and horse-level account of Urine-Plasma HEPS levels
Command file for the U:P HEPS Analysis cd "C:\WORK\PERSONAL\Martin Sillence\Acepromoazine Sep 16 09\U-P Ratio" use CML049_APZ_HEPS_Toutain_data.dta, clear keep plasmaheps urine timeh horse collapse pl ur, by(time) gen T=int(time*10) replace T=int(T/10) if T>1 replace T=2.5 if T>2 & T<3 collapse plasma urine, by(T) rreg urine plasma, nolog predict p gr7 p urine plasma if urine<900 & plasma<3.9, c(l.) s(ip) xlabel ylabel sort horse plasma gen urinest=178*plasma - 17 gr7 urinest urinehe plasma if urineheps<700 & plasma<4.2, /// c(l.) s(ip) xlabel ylabel more gr7 urinest urinehe plasma if urineheps<700 & plasma<4.2, /// c(l.) s(ip) xlabel ylabel by(horse)