Business and Service Central Place Theory
Caveman to Businessman In this society people moved from place to place to find food and water. Eventually they began to stop and settle in area where they learned to farm and work together in a village society. When the first settlements were established the services that existed were personal services like religion and education as well as police and government.
Early Personal Services Religion was important so settlements were formed around Churches so they would have a place to bury their dead.
Settlements People began to develop roles within their community, like clay pot makers, teachers, weapon makers etc. As people became experts at a craft they created a business. A service. These services could be traded. a tool repairer could trade their time and skill with a horse trainer or hunter.
Public Services As settlements grew there was a growing need for protection of the community. Soldiers were stationed around the settlement for defense. Walls were a common defense strategy and today the U.S Department of Defense helps to protect the U.S
Early Retail and Producer Services A marketplace where people could safely exchange or sell goods.
In the Modern Era: Regular Patterns exist.
Central Business District Vocab: Central Business District: a market center for people from the surrounding area to exchange goods and services. Centrally located to maximize customer accessibility. Get the most people to your store.
Downtown Areas
Models of Urban Areas Urban Areas around the country and around the world look very different. There are three models that are used to understand the formation of Urban Areas. These three models are: Concentric Zone Model Sector Model Multiple Nuclei Model
Concentric Zone Model
Zones Central Business District- Downtown area where business are located but few people live. Zone in Transition- poorer housing, immigrant population and high rise buildings. Zone of Working Class- older homes, working class families
4. Newer Suburban Zone- middle class families, more space. 5 4. Newer Suburban Zone- middle class families, more space. 5. Commuter Zone- people who work in urban areas but drive long distances to get there.
Zone 1: CBD
Zone 2: Transition
Zone 3: Working Class
Zone 4: Suburbs
Zone 5: Commuter
Sector Model
Multiple Nuclei Model
Models Explained