Stronger Economies Together (SET) Strategies for Building New Economic Opportunities SET VII Applications Opening slide to have up when participants arrive.
Purpose of SET work together as a regional team in Help rural communities/counties work together as a regional team in developing and implementing A High Quality Regional Economic Development Plan that builds on the current and emerging economic strengths of their region. This purpose statement is used throughout the SET process. Emphasis is given to the development of a High Quality Economic Development Plan.
SET: Participating States This map shows previous SET states (solid green) and SET V states (stripes). There are 13 SET V states, two of which are new to the SET family.
SET Organization
Support Structure for SET SET Regions State Resource Team This simple graphic shows how regional teams will be supported to do their work. Most directly, State Resource Teams will provide coaching and guidance. The State Resource Team, in turn, is supported by the National Team consisting of USDA Rural Development at the federal level through Suzette Agans, the Southern Rural Development Center that is coordinating the work, and the Purdue Center for Regional Development that is providing leadership to the team and is also providing data analysis. SET National Team
State Resource Team Coaches Training: To be determined At least 3 people: 1 RD 1 CES 1 other Application: Recruit Visit Evaluate Recommend Planning: Facilitate Sessions Guide Planning Coach Writing Implementing: Guide Process Develop Leadership Connect Resources
New Streamlined Process Launching SET through Civic Engagement Examining Economic Data Exploring In-Depth Regional Advantages & Opportunities Defining Assets and Barriers Establishing the Plan Implementing Success The new SET V process is more streamlined than previous versions. It begins with Civic Engagement Forum that targets a larger sector of the region than may be engaged throughout the “nuts and bolts” of the planning process. Based on the input from that session, the planning team then begins exploring economic data for the region including an in-depth analysis of industry clusters and leakages that might help the group select relevant strategies for strengthening the region’s economy. Assets and challenges related to the various potential directions are examined in order to select final goals with related strategies, action steps, and measures to establish the completed plan. Once the plan is written, the real work of implementation begins. With continued guidance for the State Resource Team, the region begins making meaningful progress on its SET plan.
Estimated Time Commitment for SRT: One Year Period Function Number Hours State’s planning/recruiting region(s) 40 as a state Region’s SET planning period 120 per region Region’s implementation phase 100 per region National level reporting 40 as a state Evaluating 10 per region Providing technical assistance 20 per region
Support for the Work SRDC Purdue USDA RD Funding: $26,400 per region Data Reports tailored to each region Training for Coaching Team Monthly Calls with Coaching Team National and regional coaching support Coaching Visits SET Funding Coordination Monthly Calls SRDC Data Reports Data Assistance Purdue Funding Guidance USDA RD
SET’s Value to Regions
What SET Provides Regional Teams Hands on step- by-step process for building or enhancing regional plans Detailed demographic & socio-economic information Data and analysis on current and emerging clusters Coaching implementation of the plan Access to special expertise More in-depth cluster analysis Monthly calls with State Resource Team Members Webinars on relevant topics Data & Analysis Technical Assistance Peer-to-Peer Networking Coaching What regional teams receive as a result of SET is divided into these four segments.
Value of SET to the Region Item Value Operating Fund (per region) $26,400 Data Reports (fair market value) $15,000 SRT Support (minimum estimate per region) $60,000 TOTAL $101,400 NOTE: Does not include the value of the curriculum development nor the support of the national team.
What SET Has Accomplished Partnership Growth 192% Leveraging 154:1
The Application Process: Three Steps
Step One: State Application Identify State Resource Team Articulate the plan for recruiting regions Signature of support: Rural Development State Director Cooperative Extension Service Director/Administrator
Step Two: Regional Applications Three or more contiguous counties 51% rural Priority Points: Economically Distressed Important: Must be regional interest
Understanding the Rural Definition 51% or more of the region's population is classified as rural OR 75% of the region's land area is located in rural areas of that region. Applicant regions must meet the definition of rural using one of these two yardsticks. Additional resources are available on the web link.
Priority Points: Economically Distressed Regions with at least one county that has: A per capita income of 80% or less of the national average and/or Has an unemployment rate that is at least 1 percent greater than the national average unemployment rate for the most recent 24-month period for which data are available
Priority Points: Finding Data Select your state, then select your proposed counties one at a time and click “add county” until all appear in the box. Click Distress Report to see Economic Distress Criteria Primary Elements.
Step Three: Site Visits Purposes: Ensure that regions understand SET Select sites that are most likely to benefit Clarify expectations for the regions Help coaches prepare for working with the regions Top finalists regions will participate in a site visit by the state resource team. The purposes of these visits are to: Ensure that partners understand the purpose and process of SET Select sites that are most likely to benefit from SET Clarify expectations for the regions Help coaches prepare for working with the regions that are selected (better understanding of background)
Timeline Jan. 20, State Applications Due Jan. 30, States Announced Feb. 1, 11:30 Central - Webinar for selected states April 6, Regional Applications Due Coaches’ Training - TBD Late April, Regions Announced SET Planning Phase: 6-7 months SET Launching Phase: 6-7 months
Your Turn: Question and Answers
Who to Contact? Rachel Welborn Southern Rural Development Center 662.325.5885 Hiwot Gebremariam USDA Rural Development 202.690.4749