BMW Management
India's financial capital Covers an area of about 437.71 Houses about 11.9 million people (Census 2001)
In Mumbai patient beds Total 40,377 Hospital beds Govt: 19,647 Pvt: 20,730 Total 40,377 July 7, 2005 CITYSTATS, Times of India, Bombay, pg 2, 2005-05-24
Medical Waste Waste per bed: 2 kg Waste per day by hospitals: 6419 kg June 2 CITYSTATS, Times of India, Bombay, pg 2, 2005-05-24
What are the different types of waste generated by a health care facility?
Every health care facility generates waste Every health care facility generates waste. Hospital waste is classified as: Non-hazardous Hazardous Biodegradable Infectious Non-biodegradable Toxic
Biomedical waste consists of Hospital Waste Composition Percentage of Weight Metal 2% Wood 3% Biomedical 5% Paper 45% Liquids 6% Plastics 14% Glass Food 17% Misc 1990 findings of the Ottawa General Hospital Waste Audit, Ortech International) Biomedical waste consists of toxic waste, radioactive waste and infectious waste.
What is biomedical waste?
Biomedical waste means any waste which is generated or has been used in The Diagnosis, Treatment or Immunization of human beings or animals, in Research pertaining thereto, in the Production or Testing of Biological or which may contain Infectious agents and may pose a substantial threat to health.
Why is it important to manage biomedical waste?
To prevent hazards to Waste handlers Health care providers Community Environment Rule
MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FORESTS NOTIFICATION New Delhi, 20th July, 1998 S.O. 630 (E).-Whereas a notification in exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 (29 of 1986) was published in the Gazette vide S.O. 746 (E) dated 16 October, 1997 inviting objections from the public within 60 days from the date of the publication of the said notification on the Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 and whereas all objections received were duly considered. Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 6, 8 and 25 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 the Central Government hereby notifies the rules for the management and handling of bio-medical waste. The BMW Management and Handling Rules came into force in 1998. It was mandatory on the part of all the hospitals to implement the same. The process however had to be individually established by each hospital taking into consideration all the schedules described in the rules
MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF BRIHANMUMBAI Municipal Solid Waste 5.7) Untreated bio-medical waste (as listed in Schedule IV) shall be stored in specified type of covered receptacles and delivered by every generator of waste to the collection vehicle which shall be provided weekly/periodically by BMC or any other Agency authorized by the MPCB, or to a centre designated for collection of such waste, for disposal in a manner that is mandated by MPCB in accordance with the Bio-Medical Waste (Management & Handling) Rules 2000. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF BRIHANMUMBAI Municipal Solid Waste (Prohibition of Littering and Regulation of Segregation, Storage, Delivery & Collection) Rules 2006 N O T I F I C A T I O N w.e.f. 1st March 2006 And local state or municipal directives such as the corporation from time to time. Two important aspects of this directive was the authorization to generate, handle , collect and store untreated BMW from MPCB and the delivery of the same for final treatment to a designated agency’s collection vehicle.
Salient features of BMW M & H Rules Schedule - I Different categories of BMW
Schedule I x Category Type of waste Treatment & Disposal option 1 Human anatomical Incineration/deep burial 2 Animal waste 3 Microbio & biotechno Local/A/MW/ Incineration 4 Waste sharps Chemical Disinfection/ A / MW & mutilation /shredding 5 Discarded medicine & cytotoxic drugs Incineration / Destruction & disposal in landfills 6 Soiled wastes(linen) Incineration/ A / MW 7 Solid wastes (non sharp disposables) Chem. Dis./A / MW & mutilation / shredding 8 Liquid waste Disinfect and Drain 9 Incineration ash Municipal landfill 10 Chemical waste Chem.Dis.& drain / landfill
Schedule II Colour Coding Type of Container - I Waste Category Treatment options as per Schedule I Yellow Plastic bag Cat. 1, Cat. 2, and Cat. 3, Cat. 6. Incineration/deep burial Red Disinfectable container/plastic bag Cat. 3, Cat. 6, Cat.7. Autoclaving/Microwaving/ Chemical Treatment Blue/White translucent Plastic bag/puncture proof Container Cat. 4, Cat. 7. Autoclaving/Microwaving/ Chemical Treatment and destruction/shredding Black Plastic bag Cat. 5 and Cat. 9 and Cat. 10. Disposal in secured landfill
Transportation When 3/4ths full Avoid spillage Label bags (Schedule III, IV) SCHEDULE IV (see Rule 6) LABEL FOR TRANSPORT OF BIO-MEDICAL WASTE CONTAINERS/BAGS Day ............ Month .............. Year ........... Date of generation Waste category No ........ Waste class Waste description Sender's Name & Address Receiver's Name & Address Phone No ........ Telex No .... Fax No ............... Contact Person ........ In case of emergency please contact Name & Address : Phone No.
Temporary Storage Designate an area Do not segregate here For not more than 48 hrs
What is expected in BMW management? Obtain authorization first (from state pollution control boards) Then ………..
Handling Disposal Collection BMW Management Treatment Segregation Transport Storage
Conclusion Keep self and others disease free. Follow Biomedical Waste Management and Handling Rules