Chapter 21 ~ “We Perform the Works of Mercy” Do now: Complete the Discover Activity on page 226. Then, read page 227.
Chapter 21 ~ lesson 1 Concept: As Jesus’ disciples, how do we have a responsibility to care for others and follow His example? The Parable of the Good Samaritan Luke: 10: 30-34 The Works of Mercy: acts of love by which we care for the bodily and spiritual needs of others
Chapter 21 ~ lesson 1 The Corporal Works of Mercy: acts of love that help us to care for the physical and material needs of others feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty Clothe the naked Visit the imprisoned Shelter the homeless Visit the sick Bury the dead
Chapter 21 ~ lesson 1 The Spiritual Works of Mercy: acts of love that help us to care for the needs of people’s hearts, minds, and souls Admonish the sinner Instruct the ignorant Counsel the doubtful Comfort the sorrowful Bear wrongs patiently Forgive all injuries Pray for the living and the dead