Team Teaching UDL Unit Assignment Rachel Geen, LaTesha Anderson, and Gay Giles SEDP 531 Alison R. King 12/13/2015
Background This lesson is focused on SOL objective: LS.2 The student will investigate and understand that all living things are composed of cells. Key concepts include a) cell structure and organelles; b) similarities and differences between plant and animal cells; c) development of cell theory; and d) cell division.
Models of Instruction supportive co-teaching parallel co-teaching The lead teacher was supported by the Teacher assistant during instruction. During times when the lead teacher had the attention of the class, the TA is to walk around the classroom offering support to the lead teacher in several different ways parallel co-teaching Both teachers taught the same content in small group settings. The Teachers also assisted students with student led centers. Both teachers provided the same support across all activities.
Representation The information is presented in several different ways. Students are able to: Sing songs View content visually through drawings and diagrams Receive auditory and visual information through video view textual and graphic representations trough online sources Have information read to them aloud Discuss information with peers and teachers Be provided with the same information across the 3 different lessons. Each lesson supported information provided in previous lessons
Expression Students are able to express understanding of the information in several different ways: Verbally through class discussions Review games Worksheet activities Pre test/ post test Visual representations Audiological presentations
Engagement Students were provided with multiple different opportunities to engage in the lesson Varied group settings Small group, individual, whole group Worksheet activities Class discussions/ small group discussions Lab activities (microscope activity) Creative coloring activities Think, pair, share
Assessment Students are assessed in several different ways They are able to share their understanding through CBM pre and post tests Group discussions Review games The pre tests are the same as the post tests. This is an easy way to assist students with familiarizing themselves with the information they will be tested on, in the form they will be tested in. Through successful completion of the assignments given in each lesson, and during the station activities. Students will also be given opportunities to self asses by reflecting on their own understanding through verbal feedback from instructors and peers
Accommodations We accommodated our students based on what is outlined in their IEP’s The two students who have ADHD require close proximity seating to the instructor. During whole-class and discussion activities, these students will be seated not more than five feet away from the instructor. During small group instruction, these students will be placed in separate groups with students who are more focused, and consistently demonstrate appropriate behaviors. All items will be read aloud to students that have a read aloud accommodation on the IEP. Two of the students in this lesson use pencil grips due to fine motor control difficulties. These pencil grips will be available for the students throughout the lesson. One of the students with ASD is allowed access to a weighted vest. This student may access this item at any time throughout the lesson. We made sure to include the needs of all of our students to ensure that they will all have equal participation in the activities.
Reaching all of our students This plan reaches a variety of different learners within the classroom. It allows all students to have access to all of the materials, and participate in all activities. The same information is presented in several different ways, across all three lessons. Each lesson provides students with the same information. The plan allows students to demonstrate their understanding in several different ways.